March 2019 Minutes Annual Parish Meeting - Bardney
Bardney Group Parish Council
Notes of the Annual meeting of Electors for Bardney, Southrey, Stainfield and Apley.
Held at Bardney Methodist Hall on
Thursday 7th March 2019
Councillors In attendance
Cllr R Webb (Bardney Ward) – Chair A Lawson Clerk to the Council
Cllr R Darby (Bardney Ward) – Vice Chair and RFO
Cllr B Newlove (Bardney Ward) P Fry Administrative Assistant
Cllr M Speed (Bardney Ward) 6 Electors of Bardney
Cllr E Clee (Bardney Ward) County & District Cllr I Fleetwood
The Chairman of Bardney Group Parish Council opened the meeting at 7.00pm and thanked everyone for coming and welcomed them to the meeting.
Apologies were received from Cllr S Zubic, Cllr J Zubic, Cllr M Corbould and Cllr C Shaw.
2019 – 2
The Chairman gave a presentation highlighting the work that had been carried out by the Parish Council during the past year. The presentation also included issues still to be addressed in the coming year.
Richard Waters Principle Engineer, Structures, entered the meeting at 7.10pm
2019 – 3
Richard Waters gave a brief up date on the closure of Bardney Bridge and answered question from the meeting.
- The bridge will be kept open over Easter.
- The carriageway on Bardney side of the bridge will be resurfaced at the same time. A plan showing what would be covered was presented to the meeting.
- Access will still be available to all properties whilst the road is resurfaced, except if the tarmac is wet.
- No parking signs and bollards will be put along the Causeway to prevent people parking on both sides.
- Working hours will be 7.00am-5.00pm, Monday- Friday. There may be work carried out, outside these times.
- Access for the public walking, bicycles and motorbikes being pushed, will be available whilst the bridge is closed.
- Up to date information will be provided by Richard Waters during the closure of the bridge. It will be out on BGPC website.
- The diversion which will be put in place has to follow a road of a similar standard or better. This has made the diversions quite lengthy.
- The emergency services will take the quickest route regardless of the road standard.
- There will be temporary lighting on the bridge.
The Chairman thanked Mr Waters for coming to the meeting and for the support he had given the Council.
Richard Waters left the meeting at 7.50pm
2019 – 4
- A Parishioner asked who decided who received the Roger’s Shield. It was explained that the Parish Council listen to ideas from villagers, these names are presented at a Council meeting and then voted on.
Cllr Webb will go back the Rogers Family to see if they would like villagers to nominate individuals/groups to receive the trophy.
PROPSAL that the Parish Council should give their own awards to people in the village.
- by Harry Jeffery and SECONDED by Steve Dean the meeting voted unanimously to accept the proposal. The clerk will follow this up.
- A parishioner, who was a Trustee of the Alms Houses, informed the meeting that they were having problems with fences being broken on a piece of land, on Common Lane, owned by them. The police had been informed. Whilst this was happening, they would be unable to let the field.
2019 – 5
- The meeting was asked if they would like the village to enter the Best kept Village competition. A short discussion was held.
The meeting decided unanimously not to enter the competition this year.
- A discussion was held regarding the continuation of twinning with La Bazoge. It was felt that this was not the right time to decide this.
It was decided to revisit this at a later date.
- The meeting was informed on the arrangements for the elections and what affect it had on the workings of the Council.
There being no further business the meeting closed at 8.15pm