April 2022 Minutes

Approved Minutes from the meeting of Bardney Group Parish Council, which was held in the Bardney Methodist Hall on Thursday 21st April at 7pm
Cllr Robin Darby – Chairman
Cllr Peter Waddington – Vice Chair
Cllr Malcolm Speed
Cllr Charles Shaw
Cllr Luke Cluett
Cllr Frank Bates
Cllr John Papworth
Cllr Mary Corbould arrived late (see minutes for arrival)
Anna Lawson – Clerk/RFO
Laura Allen – Admin Assistant
Members of the Public
None present
Meeting commenced at 7.00pm
160-2021/22 To inspect the Insignia and receive any Apologies for Absence in accordance with the Local Govt Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies from Cllr Corbould for being delayed and will be arriving late to the meeting.
161-2021/22 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.
None received.
162-2021/22 To receive and consider any dispensation requests on agenda items and decide whether they are to be granted.
None received.
163-2021/22 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 17th March 2022 and to authorise the Chairman to sign the official minutes.
Due to a date error on the printed meeting minutes, Cllr Darby proposed to approve the minutes from the 17th March 2022 rather than those stated as 18th November 2021.
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Speed and UNANIMOUSLY resolved.
164-2021/22 To receive the report from the Chairman
In opening, the Chairman wished Her Majesty the Queen a Happy 96th Birthday and wished her many more to come. In other areas of Council Business the Chairman commented on the following:
GDPR issues and email confidentiality
In order to protect the council, the Chairman informed the meeting that he had asked the clerk to research email tracking software outside the closed system of the council in order to mitigate any potential GDPR issues, and that a brief of the findings would be expected at the next meeting.
The Chairman referenced the acts of vandalism that had been occurring over the Easter Holidays in the village. Engagement with the Neighbourhood Policing Team was to some extent a silver lining in helping to ensure that they track all information that is provided to them. Especially as there has been issues with misinformation and reports not being recorded correctly which were giving false impressions of reduced anti-social behaviour in the area.
Utilisation of St Oswald’s Park
The Chairman expressed that we had been actively engaging with local organisations and businesses to utilise St Oswald’s Park and that our aims and visions for the future were to not just increase income, but to ensure the park is being utilised for the benefit of others.
Website Readability Issues
The Chairman wished to recognise and seek to rectify some of the issues on the Parish Council Website where financial data is appearing scrambled and illegible when being viewed on various devices and browsers. Whilst this is an issue with the website’s content management system itself, we would still try to move forward by finding a way around this.
165-2021/22 To receive update on actions arisen at the 17th March 2022 meeting and report from the Clerk to the Council.
Clerks report as follows:
There is a litter picking event scheduled for tomorrow morning at 10.30am meeting at the Parish Office.
Have received 80 copies of The Swimmer by Graham Norton as part of the World Book Night on 23rd April 2022. This seems to be popular already.
Have received a letter from the Chief Executive of LCC in response to the joint letter from the Parish Council’s in relation to the state of Branston Causeway. The letter claims that work is scheduled for this year, however as yet nothing is showing on either One Network or the LCC Highways work schedule.
Discovered another family digging on a grave this morning.
The issue with the broken generator is progressing following advice from Trading Standards and it has been collected by the supplier today.
Ongoing issues relating to dogs off the lead on the Allotments. Both WLDC and BGPC have written to the resident.
There has been an increase in anti-social behaviour in Bardney. Been working with the neighbourhood policing team to address this. Must encourage all residents to report incidents of anti social behaviour in order to the police to be able to ascertain the extent of the problem in the village.
The new RAF bench has been well received however the back has been vandalised. The police are aware and are planning to look at the CCTV, as it is known what time the incident took place.
The allotment rents have all been sorted and we now have two available plots. Someone glued one of the numbers on the lock to the water and the gate had been left unlocked following a visit early int eh morning. The code will be changed and it will be reiterated to allotment holders not to give out the code and that any deliveries must be met in person.
Plans for the Platinum Jubilee and St Oswald’s Feast Day are coming along.
We have received CIL funds of approx. £600. WLDC do not advise as to which properties this relate to however as they may be properties in Southrey it may be best to consider new benches for there.
The Westcliffe street sign in Southrey has been replaced following a report by the Handyman and villagers in January. It is noted that another councillor has tried to take credit for it.
Recycled plastic benches have been ordered for the village green, however these could not be ordered until the RAF bench had arrived following the problems that we had with the supplier.
7.19pm Arrival of Cllr Corbould to the meeting
166-2021/22 Financial matters:
- To approve the bank reconciliation statement for March 2022
Bank Reconciliation for March 2022 as at 31.03.22
Balance as at 01.03.22 £36,267.86
Handyman 270.00
Allotment 483.50
Cemetery 1260.00
Petty cash 90.00
Misc 10.29
Total income £2113.79
Admin 1857.12
Salaries 4082.30
Handyman 536.97
Cemetery 372.00
Grasscutting 674.26
Villages 240.00
Total expenditure £7762.65
Balance as at 31.03.22 £30,619.00
Less cheques
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Waddington and UNANIMOUSLY resolved.
- To ratify payments of accounts, salaries, BACS payments & payments already made
(The payment ratifications document can be viewed in PDF format at this link)
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Speed and UNANIMOUSLY resolved.
- Financial Risk Assessment
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Corbould and UNANIMOUSLY resolved.
167-2021/22 Planning matters. To note any approved applications received and to consider any planning applications and decide any comments that the Council wishes to make.
144706 Planning application to erect 1no. single storey dwelling, including vehicular access & parking facilities being variation of condition 4 of planning permission 140217 granted 7 January 2020 - change to the location of the dwelling for Land to rear of 29-33 Silver Street Bardney. LN3 5SS.
No comments to make.
144596 Planning application for proposed single storey 2 bed detached dwelling with garagebeing variation of condition 4 of planning permission 142046 granted 28 January 2021 - amended block plan for Land to rear of 29 - 33 Silver Street Bardney. LN3 5SS.
No comments to make.
Lincolnshire Local Plan
The Lincolnshire Local Plan has been updated and relisted with the land put forward for development, however the areas designated are not as reasonable as previously perceived. Whilst the plan aims to boost the local economy by securing jobs from building houses across central Lincolnshire, we request councillors to submit their own observations to the Clerk by the 4th May 2022.
168-2021/22 To consider renewal of policies
- Standing Orders
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Cluett and UNANIMOUSLY resolved to accept standing orders.
- Financial Regulations
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Corbould and UNANIMOUSLY resolved to accept Financial Regulations.
169-2021/22 To consider the response to the sale of the Catholic Church which has Asset of Community Value Status.
West Lindsey District Council have notified us that the Catholic Church in Bardney will be put up for sale at some point in the future. While the representative of the Catholic Church has not yet agreed on a price and no further information has been forthcoming, this does put us at a disadvantage in making further considerations. Our position is that there is no budget at present as we have just accepted the precept. We would also need to determine how to exploit this building if we were to consider obtaining it as an asset and information both through public consultation and regarding the availability of external funding would also be needed.
170-2021/22 To consider items for the cemetery
- The proposed increase in grass cutting cost
An 10% price increase has been requested from the grass cutters due to the cost of fuel rising. Our options are to reduce the number of cuts per month to equalise the cost, accept the 10% increase or try to hold them to contract as we have another year remaining on our current contract.
It was agreed to defer making any decisions on this until a later date, when the Parish Council has been in touch with the contractor to discuss our concerns over making any changes.
- To install four new plinths and footpath extension
Cllr Shaw as portfolio holder for the cemetery briefed the Council that the installation of four new plinths and a footpath extension was much needed due to the cemetery running out of plots. It was noted that no costs were yet available and going out to tender would also be necessary.
PROPOSED Cllr Speed SECONDED Cllr Cluett and UNANIMOUSLY resolved to look at the proposed costs at a later date.
- Site for the spoil heap
Currently the spoil heap is located outside the cemetery gates, however due to residents dumping waste on the heap, it is proposed to consider moving the spoil heap inside the cemetery gate to prevent unauthorised use. This would be compounded into a small enclosure for composting and also keep the cemetery tidy of twigs and branches until they can be disposed of as mulch.
PROPOSED Cllr Speed SECONDED Cllr Darby and UNANIMOUSLY resolved to approve the relocation of the spoil heap.
- Remove gate and extend fencing
It was discussed that the gate on the playing field side of the cemetery is no longer used and would benefit from being removed and fenced/ hedged securely as a permanent barrier, or alternatively, as suggested by Cllr Papworth the gate could be locked and bolted to prevent unauthorised access.
PROPOSED Cllr Bates SECONDED Cllr Papworth and UNANIMOUSLY resolved to disable the gate from use.
171-2021/22 To consider installation of a picnic area on St Oswald’s Park.
PROPOSED Cllr Speed SECONDED Cllr Darby with four in favour and four against. Therefore, in accordance with the standing orders, the Chairman was able to make his casting vote against the motion concluding that the decision would be revisited at a later date when better details and costings were available.
172-2021/22 To consider installing brackets between the new bench and Village Green wall
It was considered that brackets between the bench and the village green wall may be beneficial to prevent movement in case of future vandalism attempts. However, it was proposed and agreed that we would defer this decision to give some time to observe and then reconsider it at a later date.
173-2021/22 To receive update on Freedom of Information Request from LCC.
Results from the internal review said that LCC had submitted everything that was necessary. Therefore an ICO investigation is now ongoing.
174-2021/22 Establishment – to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following matters;.
175-2021/22 To consider names for awards
176-2021/22 To receive update on co-option and consider co-option
177-2021/22 Confirm date of next parish council meetings
- Annual Parish Meeting Thursday 12th May 2022 venue Bardney Methodist Hall
- Annual Parish Meeting of the Parish Council Thursday 19th May venue TBS
Meeting closed 9.30pm
* Please see the Council’s policy on the audio recording of meetings for more information. Items at meetings are taken in order of inclusion, subject to the Chairman’s (with the Council’s) discretion to bring items forward or back in order to orderly manage the meeting and not unnecessarily exceed the recommended time for meetings.