Personnel and Review Committee Terms of Reference

Personnel & Review Committee - Terms of Reference

Adopted - JUNE 2019

Last Reviewed and Approved: 1 st June 2023 (Minute Ref. 6)


Purpose and Scope

The Council Personnel & Review Committee will be responsible for the following:

- All Personnel, recruitment & employment issues

- All training and personal development issues for Cllrs and staff

- All complaints issues referred to the Complaints panel

- All disciplinary & grievance issues referred to the Disciplinary and/or Grievance panels

- Arranging appeals arising out of such activities

- Ensuring that the Council has sufficient staffing levels and competencies for both staff and members to be able to professionally discharge its functions to the benefit of all parishioners.


• Committee –Four members of the Council including the Chair of the personnel and Review Committee

• Disciplinary/Grievance/Complaints Panels – in line with the relevant Policy

• Appeals Panel – The Chairman and Vice Chairman of the Council, unless they are connected to the matter when another councillor will be appointed in line with the Disciplinary Policy and Grievance Policy.


• Three members of the Personnel and Review Committee

• Disciplinary/Grievance/Complaints Panels –Two members of the Personnel and Review Committee not connected with the matter under discussion.


Minutes will be taken by the Clerk if present. If the Clerk is not available a committee member present will be elected to take the minutes of the meeting.


All matters dealt with by the Personnel & Review Committee will be held in the strictest confidence and members will also take into account the provisions of the Data Protection & Freedom of Information Acts when dealing with such matters. All members (whether committee members or not) must preserve this condition at all times.


To ensure impartiality, it may be necessary for non-committee members to sit on Disciplinary; Grievance; Complaints; Appeals panels as appropriate. All non-committee members will be subject to the rules set out in this policy and the rules regarding Confidentiality at all times.


The Council’s Standing Orders, Financial Regulations & Code of Conduct will apply to all meetings and activities of the Personnel and Review Committee and Disciplinary; Grievance; Complaints; Appeals panels as appropriate.

The Personnel and Review Committee will be appointed on an annual basis. The Chair will be elected annually at full Council following the election of the Personnel and Review Committee.

Unless the Council directs otherwise, the Personnel and Review Committee may arrange to devolve any of its functions to Officers of the Council.


Personnel and Review Committee – will meet as required.

Disciplinary; Grievance; Complaints; Appeals panels – will meet as required.

• Due to the confidential nature of the business that will be transacted all meetings and/or panel hearings will be held in private in pursuance with Section 1(2) of the Public Bodies (Admission to Meetings) Act 1960.

• Personnel and Review Committee members will receive an Agenda and supporting papers. Notice of meetings will be posted in accordance with all meetings of the Council.

• The Personnel and Review Committee Chairman, if present shall preside at meetings. If the Committee Chairman is absent from a meeting, a committee member chosen by those present at the meeting shall preside.

• Only members of the Personnel and Review Committee may vote on Agenda items.

· Non committee members (in their capacity as councillor) and invited representatives may also be allowed to attend and speak on Agenda items only; provided that prior agreement by the Personnel and Review Committee Chairman has been given.

• Non-members of the Personnel and Review Committee are subject to the same rules as Personnel and Review Committee members regarding confidentiality and the requirements of the Code of Conduct.

Powers Reserved for Full Council

All matters for which the approval of the Council itself is required by statute.

The appointment of the Clerk

Delegated Powers

The Personnel and Review Committee has delegated powers to deal with all personnel, employment and complaints issues. All financial decisions must be made in accordance with the Council’s Financial Regulations. Specific powers:


1) Ensure all current employment legislation is met.

2) To establish, review and approve procedures for recruitment & appointment of staff with the exception of the appointment of the Clerk, which must be approved by full council.

3) To establish, review and approve all policies regarding personnel related matters.

4) To keep under review staff work/life balance, working conditions and well-being, including the

monitoring of absence.

5) To keep up to date records of actions and decisions and report these to the full council.

6) To obtain advice & guidance regarding personnel related matters as and when required.

7) To establish the Personnel & Review committee’s terms of reference and review and approve annually thereafter.

8) Any other action as directed by the Council.

Recruitment, training & development

1) Advertise for, short list, interview and appoint staff as required to carry out the decisions and functions of the Council with the exception of the appointment of the Clerk, which must be approved by full council.

2) To establish, review and approve conditions & Contracts of employment

3) To establish, review and approve job descriptions and specifications.

4) To establish, review and approve Staff handbooks.

5) To establish, review and approve employee rates of pay.

6) To establish, review and approve evaluation of staff roles and to adjust work schedules accordingly.

7) To establish, review and approve a set of performance criteria for all staff employed by the Council.

8) To ensure the Health & Safety of all staff and members involved in the work of the Council by providing appropriate workspaces, tools, equipment & training as appropriate.

9) To authorise members and staff to attend training courses/seminars/conferences as necessary

10) Identify training/development needs for all staff and members and provide solutions for same.

Disciplinary & Grievance

1) To establish, review and approve Disciplinary & Grievance policies for the management of Staff.

2) To hear cases that have been referred to the Disciplinary and/or Grievance panel and to make determinations in accordance with the Council’s Disciplinary & Grievance procedures which may include dismissal after completion of recognised procedures.


1) To deal with all complaints cases that have been referred to the Complaints Panel and to make determinations in accordance with the Council’s Complaints procedures including any appeals arising from same.

Staff Appraisals

All appraisals will be carried out in accordance with the Appraisal Policy

Urgent matters

Matters of an urgent nature that require settlement before the next meeting of the Personnel and Review Committee may be dealt with by the Personnel and Review Committee Chairman in conjunction with the Clerk and Chairman and/or Vice-Chairman.