P&RC 06 February 2024 Minutes

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Bardney Group Parish Council

Minutes from the Personnel and Review Committee

Bardney Pavilion Tuesday 6th February 2024 at 3.30pm

Present: Cllr R. Lane (Chair), Cllr K. Hutchinson (Vice Chair), Cllr S. Wright, Cllr R. Darby,

Clerk/RFO Angela Smith

Also Present: Cllr K. Laughton – non-member of the committee.

1 member of the public was present.

Meeting commenced at 3.30pm 

The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting. 

The public forum was invited to commence:

There were no matters raised by member of the public.

304-23/24.  Apologies for absence
To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.  No apologies received.

305-23/24.  Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest recorded for the meeting. To receive any declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 being in pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members Register of Interest and any written request for dispensation. No declaration of interest was raised.

306-23/24.  To approve as a correct record the notes taken on 09/11/2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes. Proposed correct record of minutes by Cllr Wright seconded by Cllr Hutchinson, all approved.

307-23/24.  Chair’s report – Chair thanked the Clerk for all her hard work over the past few months. On behalf of the Chair and P and R Committee wish Angela all the best for the future. The handy man has now returned to work yesterday Monday the 5th February after his accident.

308-23/24.  Clerks resignation – Clerk’s last day of work will be 16/02/2024.
Angela has offered to take on in the responsibilities of RFO in the interim.
Recommendations to take to Full Council for approval are as follows:
RFO duties 8 hours per week covering Tuesday and Thursday 10am to 2pm with no protected time.
Cllr Darby asked Angela if there would be a time limit to her offer of covering RFO role, Angela advised she has no immediate plans, so this could be indefinitely. Cllr Darby suggested to review the position of temporary RFO in 6 week’s time.  
Cllr Hutchinson suggested more definition should be taken to the Council regarding the role of RFO.  Angela confirmed that she would offer to cover RFO and admin duties, i.e. receiving emails and directing them to the appropriate persons. 
Cllr Fleetwood has been helping in the role of Clerk/RFO, however due to other commitments this may not be a possibility in the future, this needs to be addressed at the full council meeting.
Cllr Laughton raised the issue who would be responsible for the Cemetery as not all Clerks have knowledge of this. At present Cllr Fleetwood has been responsible for the administration for the Cemetery, this needs clarification in the upcoming council meeting as to whose responsibility in the future this will be.
To recommend email access only be as necessary to stop any confusion of responsibilities. Recommended was that only Clerk and / or RFO have access.
All above recommendations were proposed by Cllr Darby, seconded by Cllr Hutchinson, all approved. 
To instruct a temporary Clerk to take on the responsibilities through LALC.
To cover 8 hours per week.  This would be to cover all responsibilities of the Clerk’s role.
To amend Website and Facebook of the new hours of the Parish Office.
To email Councillors for cover of the Parish Office week commencing 19/02/2024. 
All above recommendations proposed by Cllr Lane, seconded by Cllr Wright, all approved.

309-23/24.  Advertisement.  Recommendations are to include SLCC membership in the advert, this was advised by Andrew Everard at LALC as this would be seen as advantageous. Cost of being a member of SLCC would be dependent on Precept, approximate yearly membership between £120 to £200.
Chair advised the last time we advertised for Clerk/RFO we did have an Assistant Clerk in office.  Unfortunately, in the interim the assistant Clerk handed in her notice. 
Chair asked the committee what they would like to recommend to council, i.e. to advertise for Clerk/RFO as before or to split the hours between Clerk and RFO. 
To keep the hours as they are, or increase, Chair advised we need to look at what would be best for the council going forward. 
Cllr Darby asked if last advert mentioned that the role of Clerk/RFO could be split, Chair advised this was not in the previous advert.
Cllr Hutchinson suggested that we advertised for Clerk/RFO, however, to mention that the roles could be split as this would give more options. 
Cllr Laughton suggested this may complicate the advert and may deter candidates.
Cllr Laughton questioned why the Clerk/RFO hours were reduced to 16 hours from 40 with the assistant, Chair advised this was to do with the finances. 
Recommendation was suggested to advertise the post with LALC, Local Council Forum (at a cost of £60) and locally i.e. Post Office, Website and Facebook.
All above recommendation were proposed by Cllr Lane, seconded by Cllr Wright, all approved.
All applications for the position of Clerk/RFO previously came to the Assistant Clerk.  As we will not have a Clerk, and not sure if it will be appropriate for the acting Clerk to receive applications.  Chair advised that the application could come to the Chair or RFO. Chair then advised there would need to be a meeting to open and go through all applications. Email for applications would be sent to admin@bardneygroup-pc.gov.uk.

310-23/24.  Handyman Contract – The Committee looked through the Contract of Employment and the Handyman’s job description.  The committee recommended there were a few adjustments to be made and these need to be approved by the Council.  The Parish Office address needs to be updated to the Village Hall. Clerk to amend these.

Meeting closed @ 5.28pm

To be added when available