16 July 2024 - Agenda for Ordinary July meeting

Agenda and Meeting Notice

Dear Sir/Madam,

I hereby give notice that the next ordinary meeting of Bardney Group Parish Council will be held at Bardney Village Hall, Bardney on Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 7.00pm.

All Members of the Parish Council are summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting, as set out hereunder.

There will then be a 10 minute public forum when members of the public may address the Council on current issues or items that may become future agenda items.  These can be submitted beforehand by emailing the Clerk: clerk@bardneygroup-pc.gov.uk.

Please note that this meeting may be recorded to assist in accurate minute taking.

Signed:  A E Findlay (Clerk/RFO)
11 July 2024

53-24/25.  Apologies for Absence.
To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.

54-24/25.  Declarations of Interests.
To receive declarations of interest and to consider dispensation applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.

55-24/25.  Notes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 18 June 2024 to be approved as Minutes.

56-24/25.  Receive updates from Councillors/Clerk with regard to ongoing items from the previous meetings.
   a.  Minute ref: 30-24/25, page 10-2024/2025.  Financial Regulations.

57-24/25.  Receive a report from the Council Chair.

58-24/25. Financial Matters.
   a.  To consider and approve payments made since the last meeting.
   b.  To consider and approve payments on the June schedule.
   c.  To consider and approve the bank reconciliation for 30 June 2024.
   d.  Consider the purchase of a new low working platform for the Handyman.
   e.  Consider the cost to send Council representatives to the LALC Summer Conference & AGM.

59-24/25.  Committee Reports and further actions required.
   a.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Allotment Committee.
        i.  Consider the request from the Open Door grocery allotment Trustee regarding additional structures and an Open Day.
   b.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Cemetery Committee.
   c.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Personnel and Review Committee.
        i.  Receive the notes from the Committee meeting held on Tuesday 09-Jul-2024.
       ii.  Consider dates submitted by the Clerk when he will be unavailable.
   d.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Policy and Procedures Committee.
   e.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Finance Committee.
   f.  No Health and Safety Committee meetings have yet been planned.

60-24/25.  Ward Reports.  Receive reports from Councillor Members.

61-24/25.  Planning Matters.
No planning notifications received to date.

62-24/25.  St. Oswald’s Field.
   a.  Acknowledge notification of an application received by West Lindsey District Council to register St Oswald’s Park, Horncastle Road, Bardney as an Asset of Community Value.
   b.  Determine a course of action in relation to the future use of St. Oswald’s field.
   c.  Consider a course of action in relation to the possible disposal of the Parish Office Portacabin.

63-24/25.  Receive a report from a plan for village Christmas Events/light switch on.

64-24/25.  To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:
   a.  Consider staff salary issues as raised by the Payroll Manager and Clerk/RFO.
   b.  Consider the proposed contract and Job Description with regard to the new Clerk.