19 November 2024 - Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting

Bardney Group Parish Council

Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Bardney Group Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Silver Street, Bardney on Tuesday 19 November 2024.

Present:  Chair  Cllr Keith Laughton

Councillors:  Cllr Frank Bates, Cllr Kirstie Clarke, Cllr Robin Darby, Cllr Ian Fleetwood, Cllr Ruth Lane, Cllr Brian Lintin, Cllr Liz McTernan, Cllr Barry Newlove, Cllr Deborah O’Sullivan, Cllr John Papworth, Cllr Barry Percival and Cllr Stephen White

Also present:  Eddie Findlay (Clerk/RFO) to the Parish Council

3 members of the public were in attendance.

At 7:00 pm the Chair welcomed everybody and declared the meeting open.

121-24/25.  Apologies for Absence.  To receive and accept apologies, where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in accordance with LGA 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Cllr Cook and Cllr Corbould were unable to attend and their reasons were made know to the Council.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the reasons for absence from Cook and Cllr Corbould.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Papworth and approved unanimously.

122-24/25.  Declarations of Interest.  To receive declarations of interest and to consider dispensation applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Cllr Clarke declared an interest in minute ref: 130-24/25.c. page 48-2024-2025 as she is a payment recipient.

123-24/25.  Public Forum.  A 10 minute public forum when members of the public may address the Council on current issues or items that may become future agenda items.

MOP 1 – A representative from the Church wished to inform the Parish Council, that under List A7 Churchyards, in Schedule 1 of the Faculty Jurisdiction Rules, they were looking to re-surface the Church footpath on a like for like basis.  The Council thanked them for informing them.

MOP 2 – Asked that if the Parish Council had no responsibility to maintain the jittys in the village, why does the Handyman cut the verges.  It was confirmed that the Parish Council had an Agreement to cut certain verges, on behalf of LCC, for which they were renumerated.  The MOP then said that if it was the Parish Operative, could he at least move the various short terms, roadside signs and cut the grass underneath.  That would be passed on to the Handyman.

MOP 1 – wished to thank the Council, and the Handyman, for the hard work undertaken to keep the Churchyard looking so good.  The Chair thanked the MOP for his comments.

124-24/25.  Notes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 15 October 2024, to be approved as Minutes.
Minute ref: 104-24/25, Cllr Darby queried that it was stated that he had agreed to attend a Community Emergency Planning Induction.  His attendance was not agreed until after the meeting, so should be written as a Post Meeting Note.  This would be amended.
Minute ref: 107-24/25, Cllr Lane asked why it was not showing that Cllrs Clarke, Percival and White who were nominated to be members of the P&R Committee at the September were not recorded as such.  The Clerk would investigate. 
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to defer the approval of the notes of the ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 15 October 2024 as Minutes due to a number of errors raised.
Proposed by Cllr Laughton, seconded by Cllr Clarke and approved unanimously.

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125-24/25.  Receive updates from Councillors/Clerk with regard to ongoing items from previous meetings.
a.  Minute ref: 112-24/25, page 40-2024/2025.  Cycle rack.
The Clerk had still to find the correct form to apply to site an item of street furniture on a highway verge.  Ongoing.
b.  Cllr Darby asked about the Hearing Loop which was gifted to the Village Hall.  The Clerk reported that it was partially fitted and asked to speak a Church representative to see how they have theirs ‘wired in’.  Ongoing.

126-24/25.  Receive reports from District and County Councillors.
Speaking in his position as District Councillor, Cllr Fleetwood has asked around WLDC to see if an officer was available to come down to Bardney Group Parish Council but due to vacancies, no one was currently free to attend.  He had circulated a number of emails relating to Emergency Planning and a further Induction Event was to be held on Thursday 28-Nov-2024.
Following the floods last year, LCC were finalising the Section 19 reporting, being the feedback on flooding inside of properties.
As County Councillor, Cllr Fleetwood reported that the gritting vehicles had been deployed overnight, despite reports to the contrary
Stainfield and Lea Grove had had a number of potholes etc repaired but he was not aware of any further work in the near future.

127-24/25.  Receive a report from the Clerk with regard to Correspondence received and other matters.
•  Cllrs requested to complete the contact details form in their folders and hand them to the Clerk to allow for continuity of business during email provider changeover.
•  Manual Handling/Working @Height/Confined Spaces, booked through Lincs Rural Training, for Clerk and John Major, Monday 13 January 2025 – 1300, Pavilion, Queensway, Potterhanworth, LN4 2EA.

128-24/25.  Chair’s Report.
The Chair reported that Cllr Lane had stepped down as Chair of the Personnel and Review Committee and thanked her for her stewardship during her time as Chair.
The Chair provided an update on email he had circulated, originally from the Police Inspector.  The Inspector had written that he had had a meeting with a representative of Bardney Group Parish Council, implying that he was disappointed that despite this meeting “letters” had been distributed by either social media, or a noticeboard.
It has since been understood that the Cllr that attended did so as a resident and not in a Council capacity and did state this to the Police Inspector.  The Chair had written to the Inspector to clarify.
The Chair and the Clerk did have a face to face meeting with local Constable to discuss a number of issues and offered to assist in arranging a suitable venue for a planned visit by the Inspector and ACIS Housing during Anti-Social Behaviour Awareness Week (commencing 18-Nov-2024).  This was subsequently changed to a visible walk round, rather than a venue.
It was stated if any resident had any issue with any crime should report it directly to the Police.  Unless it is recorded, then the Police cannot allocate additional resources for the village.

129-24/25.  Committee Reports and further actions required.

a.  Allotment Committee.
i.  Receive a report on behalf of the Allotment Committee.
Despite numerous visits to the allotments, there were still gaps in who had a number of allotments.  A couple of posters and a Facebook post asking current plot holders to contact the Clerk had been published and a number had already been in touch with the Clerk.
Cllr Fleetwood had issued the allotment holders with invoices in February 2024 so details he thought contact details should be available, however it was highlighted that the Invoices only had names, and not addresses.
It was suggested that a laminated note be placed on each allotment giving 28 days to contact the Clerk.  Proposed by Cllr Laughton and approved by all, bar 1 abstention.

b.  Cemetery Committee.
i.  Receive a report on behalf of the Cemetery Committee.
A number of mole infestations had been reported and due to the health and safety concerns of subsidence of memorial headstones and potential sink hazards that the matter be dealt with as a matter of urgency.
Cllr Papworth had contacted a number of Pest Control companies and 3 visits would cost in the region of £400.00.

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Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve delegating authority to the Clerk, with a limit of £400.00 and for the work to be carried out as soon as possible.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Lane and approved unanimously.

c.  Personnel and Review Committee.
i.  Receive a report on behalf of the Personnel and Review Committee.
Cllr Lane had stepped down as Chair and a meeting was planned for Tuesday 03-Dec-2024.

d.  Policy and Procedures Committee.
i.  Receive a report on behalf of the Policy and Procedures Committee.
No meeting had been held or was planned.

e.  Finance Committee.
i.  Receive a report on behalf of the Finance Committee, including the notes of the meeting held on Tuesday 12-Nov-2024.
The Committee Chair, Cllr Laughton précised the notes and advised on those item listed below that required a Council resolution.
To comply with WLDC Precept timetable, the next Finance Committee Meeting was planned for 14-Jan-2024, to finalise the budget/Precept demand, ready for full Council review at the 21-Jan-2025 meeting, and to be submitted to WLDC by Friday 24-Jan-2025.

ii.  Consider the adoption of the Financial Regulations (May 2024) as recommended by the Finance Committee.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the adoption of the Financial Regulations (May 2024) as recommended by the Finance Committee.
Proposed by Cllr O’Sullivan, seconded by Cllr Darby and approved unanimously.

Cllr O’Sullivan left the meeting at 7:45pm.

iii.  Consider the virement of monies from projected underspend budget lines as detailed in Virement Report List A to List B, including making a limited amount of Grant money available for the remainder of FY 2024/2025.
When the budget for FY2024/2025 had been set, no money had been set aside for Grants and Donations, including S.137 payments.  The virement of monies would allow for this.
Cllr Fleetwood believed that moving money to Grants and Donations, including S.137 payments and using them in the current year was illegal.  The Clerk believed it to be legal, to use it if Council approved the movement as per the report, but would clarify the matter with LALC.
* Post meeting note: LALC had confirmed that as long as Council resolved to approve the virement of monies into Grants and Donations, then there was no restriction on them using it that current FY.
Cllr Lane asked if the potential Mole expenditure could be included.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the following;


List A - take money from





£ 150.00



Councillors Mileage


£ 50.00





£ 120.00



LALC Membership


£ 700.00





£ 1,000.00





£ 500.00



Comm with residents


£ 800.00



Tractor Hire


£ 500.00



Handyman Gen Maint


£ 1,000.00



St. Oswald's Park - General Maint


£ 500.00



General Reserves


£ 8,000.00








List B - move money to



GM Cemetery





Traffic Management










Church Clock















Proposed by Cllr Darby, seconded by Cllr White and approved unanimously.

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iv.  To consider the draft budget and estimated Precept as presented by the Finance Committee in preparation for sending to WLDC by 22-Nov-2024 (excluding Staff salaries).
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the draft, estimated Budget/Precept figure for WLDC.
Expenditure estimate = £94,630, Income estimate = £7,650.00, leaving a Precept requirement of £86,980.00, giving an estimated increase of 3.93% on the previous year.
Proposed by Cllr Percival, seconded by Cllr Clarke and approved by a vote of 12 for and 1 against.

v.  Consider new Committee Members for the Finance.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to Cllr Percival and Cllr Fleetwood to join the Finance Committee.
Proposed by Cllr Laughton, seconded by Cllr Lintin and approved unanimously.

f.  Health and Safety Committee
i.  Receive a report on behalf of the Health and Safety Committee, including Cllr Bates’s attendance at Training 29-Oct-2024.
Cllr Bate’s along with the Clerk, had attended a full day training event, covering the reasons to manage health and safety at work, the risk assessment process, the hierarchy of control and the completion of specific risk assessments.  The day was very informative.
Cllr Lintin informed the meeting that he wished to step down from this Committee due to current circumstances.

130-24/25.  Financial Matters.
a.  To consider cost using Parish Councils Act 1957, s.2, to “provide public clocks”, to assist the Church with the cost to service of the Church Clock, as in previous years.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve paying the cost of the Clock service.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Cooke and approved unanimously.

b.  To consider and approve payments made since the last meeting.

FuelCard Services Inv 9008448071




BT Group PLC (23/10/2024)







Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Lane and approved unanimously.

c.  To consider and approve payments on the September schedule.

Salaries, HMRC and Pensions

EB-0085, EB-0086, EB-0089 & DD



John Major (Handyman Expenses)




A E Findlay (Clerk expenses)




PKF Littlejohn Inv SB20242752




Blossom Bookkeeping Ltd (inv 1515)




E-Quip (Inv-845414)




Cllr Clarke (mileage to attend Cllr training)




Cannon (tractor hire Inv-1204)




Greenstripe Innovations (HA200 attachment Inv 192554)




LALC H&S Training x 2 (Inv-15205)




Wave (14250597 - allotments)




Time Assured Ltd (Parish Councils Act 1957, s.2)








Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments listed on the November schedule.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Percival and approved by a vote of 12 for and 1 abstention.

d.  To consider and approve the bank reconciliation for 31 October 2024.
The Clerk reported that the bank balances at the end of October 2024 were;

Current Account ******04



Savings Account ******02






Unpresented payments





Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Lane and approved unanimously.

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131-24/25.  Ward Reports.  Receive reports from Council Members.

Cllr Newlove asked for an agenda item on the next agenda, to discuss Station Road parking and accidents.

Cllr Clarke had attended the Remembrance Service at St. John The Devine Church, Southrey, 10-Nov-2024 and had laid a wreath on behalf of Bardney Group Parish Council.

Cllr Papworth asked if a letter could be sent to ALS Company on Queen’s Street to request the yard is cleared of rubbish and dumped equipment.  The Clerk would do so.

He also requested volunteers to assist with the setting up of the lights and the Crib on The Green, on Saturday 23-Nov-2024.  Meet at the portacabin at 12:30, weather permitting.

Cllr Lintin asked Council to consider that 08 May 2025, was 80th Anniversary of VE Day.  Council would consider it as an agenda item for January 2025.  The Chair would chat with the Church, the Village Hall and the Veteran’s Club.

Cllr McTernan raised a concern about dog mess and the requirement for additional bins on the Chestnut Estate.  Cllr Fleetwood responded that WLDC were approaching the Estate Management Company to install bins on all the green spaces through the developments.  Failing that, the Parish Council might need to consider the installation.

132-24/25.  Planning Matters.
a.  WL/2024/00936 – for Single storey conservatory extension to existing annex to the rear at 11 Lea Grove, Bradney, LN3 5XN.
No comments or objections were received at the meeting.

133-24/25.  Receive a report from Cllr Darby with regard to his attendance at the Community Emergency Planning Induction Evening at the County Emergency Centre.

Cllr Darby reported that it was an interesting evening.  There were a lot of other Councils represented, some of whom had already worked up an emergency plan.  Everybody was given the Community Emergency Companion, which has been circulated by the Clerk, which is a step by step of how you arrive at what would be a functional group that assists LCC and various other groups like the emergency services.  LCC do offer training for people who would like to be more involved.

It's not just the emergency plan, as it doesn't concentrate purely on flooding but will help identify other hazards such as serious fire, and environmental hazards.

Everybody was also given a Flood Action Guide, which would hopefully be put on the website the Facebook page as it contains Q codes and things like that so people can sign up for flood warnings rather than trying to find a number.

It was suggested that possibly the Policy Committee look to review the document and bring it forward in the near future.

An additional Community Emergency Planning Induction Evening was planned on 28-Nov-2024 and Cllr Laughton and Cllr Papworth were interested in attending.

134-24/25.  Receive a report regarding a plan for village Christmas Events/light switch on.
30+ stalls had been booked in and the event would cover, the Methodist Hall, St. Lawrence Church, Church Lane, The Green and The Old Angel pub.
•  A mixture of Market Stall and Food Outlets.
•  A Children’s Fancy Dress competition.
•  A Rock Choir on The Green.
•  Christmas Lights Switch on by Santa, on The Green.
•  Carols around the tree, on The Green.
Cllr Lane requested the use of the walkie talkies and Hi-Viz jackets.  The Clerk would ensure the walkie talkies were charged up and the Hi-Viz were available.
St. John’s Ambulance had been requested to provide First Aid cover.

135-24/25.  Consider opening hours of the Parish Office during the Christmas/New Year period.
The Clerk had requested 40 hours leave during the Christmas/New Year period meaning the Office would be closed from Monday 23-Dec-2024 and re-open Tuesday 07-Jan-2025.
The Handyman was also away during this period.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the requested leave.
Proposed by Cllr Laughton, seconded by Cllr Darby and approved unanimously.

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136-24/25.  To resolve to move into closed session in accordance with the public bodies (admission to meetings) act 1960 due to the confidential nature of the business to be discussed in relation to the following matters:

a.  Clerk contract matters.

b.  Staff salary matters for budgeting purposes.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to go into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Proposed by Cllr Clarke, seconded by Cllr Lane and approved unanimously.

This part of the meeting closed 8:30 pm.

The meeting continued in the absence of press and public at 8:35 pm.

Confidential Minutes

a.  Clerk contract matters.

Google Drive was the issue to extend the Clerk’s probation period and remained so but following work with the Chair, it was apparent that Google Drive itself had issues.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the end of the Clerk’s probation period as of 01-Dec-2024and to continue as Clerk from.

Proposed by Cllr Newlove, seconded by Cllr Laughton and approved unanimously.

b.  Staff salary matters for budgeting purposes.

This was covered discreetly under minute ref: 129-24/25.e.iv. page XX-2024-2025 and was approved.

The meeting closed at 8:45 pm.

Signature:  Original Signed

Printed Name:  Cllr Keith Laughton

Date:  21 January 2025

~ END ~

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