29th January 2024 Extra Minutes

Bardney Group Parish Council
Minutes from the Extra Council Meeting
Bardney Methodist Hall Monday 29th January 2024 at 7pm
Cllr Ian Fleetwood (Chair), Cllr Papworth (Vice Chair), Cllr Barry Newlove, Cllr Barry Percival, Cllr Frank Bates, Cllr Robin Darby, Cllr Ken Hutchinson, Cllr Keith Laughton,
Cllr Brian Lintin, Cllr Samantha Wright,
Clerk/RFO Angela Smith.
Members of the Public
3 members of the public were present.
Meeting commenced at 7pm
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The public forum was invited to commence:
A summary of matters raised by members of the public and responses are listed below:
Question was raised regarding the visit from the Highways. Cllr Fleetwood reported that a member from LCC Highways came to the village to agree the position of the radar poles.
Budget – Question was raised regarding grants and events not being in the budget. Chair advised he did not think this was highlighted at the meeting where the budget was agreed. Grants were also not highlighted when the budget was approved.
Question was raised regarding the Limewoods magazine. Chair advised that nothing had been raised in previous months regard this and no agreement had been made. Question was raised who would be responsible for this, Chair advised this would be the Clerk.
288-23/24 Apologies for absence – To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Apologies were received from Cllr Lane, Cllr Newlove.
Not present Cllr Corbould.
289-23/24 To receive any declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Members’ Register of Interests and any written requests for dispensation.
290-23/24 Chair’s report - Chair reported that the Clerk had resigned from the post and also record the resignation of Cllr Lou Reeve. Chair thanked both for the work they have done.
From a County Council prospective Chair advised Short Ferry has now opened, however if there is rain fall they may have to close it again.
291-23/24 Clerk’s report - Nothing to report.
292-23/24 Precept for 24/25. Chair advised there would be an increase of 5.77% in Council Tax. Cllr Darby raised a query regarding any adjustment to the budget as a result that they have committed to throughout the year. Chair advised there were no adjustment. Grass cutting contract was also raised regarding reserves in the budget as Cllr Darby could not see this as an item. Chair advised there was an amount in reserves. Cllr Darby also asked he we had a projected final figure. Chair advised that the year started with a cash reserve of circa £21,000, on the back reconciliation there is £40,500 in the saving account, in the current account there is approximately £8 to 9,000 as of today, we also have monies due to come in. Chair advised he feels the Council will have a lot more positive end of year account approximately around £35,000.
To agree the budget £83,690 representing the 5.77% increase proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded Cllr Wright approved with 1 against. Consider the rate fixing of 5.77% proposed by Cllr Fleetwood seconded by Cllr Laughton approved. Approve the final precept request from WLDC proposed by Cllr Fleetwood seconded Cllr Percival, approved. Final precept was signed by Chair, Clerk and 2 Councillors in the meeting.
293-23/24 To set up a Playing working group - The play equipment is in a bad state of repair. Cllr Laughton was involved previously in raising funds and he has had a couple of meetings with parishioners who have already raised approximately £2000. Cllr Laughton advised that it seemed the Playing Field Committee are unable to commit to meeting the needs of the play equipment, however, Cllr Laughton suggested that a working group including the playing field commit, Cllrs and member of the public to move forward with an application for funding to improving the play equipment. Cllr Papworth who is also part of the playing committee agreed that the village hall / playing field committee would provide funding as and when funds are available, however at present they are not able to do so at present. Cllr Laughton suggested this be an urgent matter before the play equipment is not fit to be used by the children of the village. Cllr Darby asked if the fund raisers are doing this independently, and if it would be an idea to have a subcommittee from the village hall / playing field committee as this should really be their responsibility rather than the parish council. Cllr Papworth advised that the Playing Field is run under a separate funding to the village hall to keep this as a true reflection of the monies raised and cost for the village hall. Cllr Fleetwood advised that if the parish council lead the project that the council would be able to claim back the tax on the play equipment which would be financially beneficial for the playing field working group. Cllr Papworth suggested that Cllr Laughton and another Cllr would join the village hall / playing field committee at the next meeting. Propose the parish council approach the village hall with a proposal to make a working group with the village hall, proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Laughton approved.
Cllr Darby suggested we explore the legality of claiming tax back for the play equipment. Chair advised this would be investigated before any such claims were made.
294-23/24 Application for credit card - Cllr Hutchinson questioned whose name the card would be in. Chair advised this was a card for the Parish Council. Clerk made council aware of previous attempt to apply for Debit Card was unsuccessful as Unity Bank do not supply Debit Cards. After researching costs Credit Card it was thought the Barclaycard would probably be the best option. Cllr Hutchinson mentioned looking into changing to a bank that would provide a Debit Card. Chair advised this could be investigated in the future, however felt that there was a need to apply for a credit card in the interim. Proposed application for credit card by Cllr Hutchinson seconded by Cllr Wright, approved.
295-23/24 Bank reconciliation 01/11/2023 to 31/12/2023 deferred from previous meeting. Cllr Papworth questioned why the tractor and frail had been used twice and charged twice, however this should have been cut by the contractor. Chair advised the handyman advised the tractor and frail to come, Chair is not sure why the contractors did not so this. Chair advised that the contractors would have charged extra for this service as it was not in the agreement. Cllr Darby questioned the split payments from WLDC. Chair advised £4200 was in the bank and when WLDC receive and agree the invoices the remainder will be transferred into the back to make the full £6000. The £3000 grant has been submitted to WLDC that covers the Christmas lights, PA system, hearing loop etc. These are currently trying to be purchased. Cllr Fleetwood proposed to accept the bank reconciliations, seconded by Cllr Wright, approved.
296-23/24 Grass cutting contract 2024 – 2027 – Chair advised that in the October meeting it was approved by council that we would not go out to tender. At the last meeting it was approved that we do go out to tender. Standing Orders state resolutions should not be reversed within 6 months except by a special motion which requires at least 5 Cllrs to give the proper officer notice which we have not had or by a motion moved in pursuant by the recommendation of a committee or subcommittee, which the Cemetery committee have agreed they would like to do this. Proposal was made to agree the last motion to go to the revised tender and reverse the motion from October by Cllr Darby, seconded by Cllr Wright, approved with 1 against. If a tender is not accepted the work would go to Handyman and volunteers.
297-23/24 Lindum Group use of St Oswalds - Insurance has been received and is in order. Cllr Hutchinson asked how much will be paid for the use of the field, Clerk advised that previously they had paid £2 per head and are expecting approximately 40. Cllr B. Newlove stated that planning permission would be needed before this could be classed as a car park, so this event would not be able to use the land as a car park. Cllr Newlove proposed not to go ahead with the request to park on St Oswalds, seconded by Cllr Hutchinson, approved with 1 against and 2 abstentions.
Meeting Closed @ 8.02pm