16 July 2024 Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting

Bardney Group Parish Council

Minutes of an ordinary meeting of Bardney Group Parish Council held in the Village Hall, Silver Street, Bardney on Tuesday 16 July 2024.

Present:  Chair  Cllr Keith Laughton

Councillors:  Cllr Frank Bates, Cllr Mary Corbould, Cllr Robin Darby, Cllr Ian Fleetwood, Cllr Ruth Lane, Cllr Brian Linton, Cllr Barry Newlove, Cllr Deborah O’Sullivan, Cllr John Papworth (vice-Chair), Cllr Barry Percival and Cllr Sam Wright.

Also present:  Eddie Findlay (Clerk/RFO) to the Parish Council

7 members of the public were in attendance.

At 7:00 pm the Chair asked members of the public to direct questions to the Chair and to act with civility and respect towards others at the meeting.

He reminded all present that the meeting would be recorded and asked everyone to switch mobile devices to silent.

Public Forum

MOP 1 – picking up on part of the Internal Audit report, which stated that the HR operations of the Council needed an ‘independent’ review.  What are Council intending to do to comply with this point and if nothing, to whom should they raise a concern.  They were advised to contact the Monitoring Officer if they have any concerns going forward.

MOP 2 – Sunday 04-Aug-2024, the annual St. Oswald’s service would be held on the Green, at 10:00am.  If inclement weather is forecast it will be held in the Church.  This will be followed by refreshments.
Saturday 10-Aug-2024 the Church will host the opening of the new extension in the Church at noon.

MOP 3 – asked if the Parish Council could look into the vegetation growing down the ‘jitty’ between Queens Street and Wragby Road.  Bardney Group Parish Council would contact Lincolnshire County Council.

MOP 1 – asked why there was no District and County report item on the agenda.
This had not been an agenda item in previous meetings and this was the first time it had been raised.  The Clerk would look to add it on future agenda.
They also asked why the last minutes (June 2024) weren’t available on the website.  The Clerk answered that he would usually wait until they had been approved before publishing them on the website.  It was asked that they are published in draft form prior to each meeting.  The Chair said they would endeavour to get them promulgated on the website as soon as possible.

At 7:07 pm the Chair declared the meeting open.

53-24/25.  Apologies for Absence.
To receive and accept apologies, where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting, in accordance with LGA 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
All current Councillors were present.

54-24/25.  Declarations of Interest.
To receive declarations of interest and to consider dispensation applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
None declared at this time.

55-24/25.  Notes of the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 18 June 2024, to be approved as Minutes.
:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the Ordinary Meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 18 June 2024 as Minutes and a true record of the meeting.

Cllr Darby wanted it clarifying that the Health & Safety Committee would be ‘quorate’ once a third member was confirmed and felt that Minute ref: 34-24/25.f. did not reflect that issue.  This was amended.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Lane and approved by a vote of 10 for and 2 abstentions (not present at June meeting).

56-24/25.  Receive updates from Councillors/Clerk with regard to ongoing items from previous meetings.
a.  Minute ref: 30-24/25, page 10-2024/2025.  Financial Regulations.
Due to errors being found in the Model version sent out May 2024, these had been withdrawn subject to review and re-issue.  The Finance Committee would review these once a new version had been received.

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57-24/25.  Chair’s Report.
The Chair reported that since the last meeting, 3 Councillors had resigned.  He thanked all 3 for all the work they had carried out during their tenure as Councillors.

WLDC Elections had been informed and Notice of Vacancies had been requested.

The Village Hall had installed a Wi-Fi extender to allow the Parish Office to access their signal, but this was providing an inconsistent and weak signal, meaning loss of Wi-Fi access  This was ongoing with the Village Hall.

As a member of the Village Hall Playing Field Committee, as well as the £13K received in donations, they were looking at various funding streams to improve/replace the play equipment at Bardney playing field (circa £85K).  Community engagement sessions at the school etc were being carried out to see what items might be considered.

58-24/25.  Financial Matters.
a.  To consider and approve payments made since the last meeting.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments made since the last meeting.

BT Group PLC (23/05/2024)




FuelCard Services Inv 9007602607, 9007643338, 9007690854 & 9007735246




A E Findlay (set up)




Blossom Bookkeeping (set up)







Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Corbould and approved unanimously.

b.  To consider and approve payments on the July schedule.

HCI Data Ltd (Inv WEB16551, WEB16753 &WEB17055)




Charles H Hill (Inv 178187)




LALC x 2 (Inv 14957 - Internal Audit)




Tudor Ground Maintenance (Inv-0731)




Blossom Bookkeeping Ltd (inv 1276)




Salaries and expenses, HMRC and Pensions

EB-0037 to EB-0040 & DD



Cllr mileage for key cutting




npower (Inv IN10966728)




Wave (Inv 13761768)




E-QUIP (Inv 834795)








Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the payments listed on the July schedule.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Percival and approved unanimously.

c.  To consider and approve the bank reconciliation for 30 June 2024.
The Clerk reported that the bank balance at the end of June 2024 were;

Current Account ******04



Savings Account ******02






Unpresented payments





Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation.

Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Wright and approved unanimously.

d.  Consider the purchase of a new set of steps for the Handyman.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to not approve the purchase of this item until such time as the Handyman had undertaken new working at height training.
Proposed by Cllr Laughton, seconded by Cllr Fleetwood and approved by a vote of 11 for and 1 abstention.

e.  Consider the cost to send Council representatives to the LALC Summer Conference and AGM.
No Councillors were able, or willing to attend.

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59-24/25.  Committee Reports and further actions required.

a.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Allotment Committee.
Cllr Papworth was still struggling to find details on a number of plot holders, despite visiting the area at various stimes of the week and weekend.
    i.  Consider the request from the Open Door grocery allotment Trustee regarding additional structures and an Open Day.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the additional structures and the Open Day, on their allotment plot only and at their own risk.
Proposed by Cllr Laughton, seconded by Cllr O’Sullivan and approved by a vote of 11 for and 1 abstention.

b.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Cemetery Committee.
Nothing to report.

c.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Personnel and Review Committee.
    i.  Receive the notes from the Committee meeting held on Tuesday 09-Jul-2024.
The notes of the Committee held on Tuesday 09-Jul-2024 had been circulated to all Councillors.  Those items requiring Council discussion and resolution would be covered in Closed Session.

    ii.  Consider dates submitted by the Clerk when he would be unavailable.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the submitted dates of unavailability of Friday 19-Jul-2024, Friday 26-Jul-2024, Friday 02-Aug-2024 and Friday 30-Aug-2024 as TOIL.
Proposed by Cllr Darby, seconded by Cllr Laughton and approved by a vote of 11 for and 1 abstention.

d.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Policy and Procedures Committee.
No meeting had been carried out so nothing to report.

e.  Consider the draft Terms of Reference for the proposed Finance Committee.
Council noted the circulated meeting notes from Tuesday 02-Jul-2024, which included a review of the current budget and ways to keep Council informed of current expenditure against the budget.
Following the resignation of Cllr Hutchinson and Cllr Percival volunteered to sit on the Finance Committee, which was approved by all members.

f.  No Health and Safety Committee meetings have yet been planned.
Cllr Linton volunteered to sit on the Health and Safety Committee, which was approved by all members.  Cllr Darby expressed a desire to meet during August.

60-24/25.  Ward Reports.  Receive reports from Council Members.

Cllr Lane raised a concern over the current state of other properties which required some maintenance to stop their borders affecting the use of the highway.  Standing Orders were suspended at 7:43pm to allow a member of the public to speak.  Proposed by Cllr Laughton, seconded by Cllr Fleetwood and approved unanimously.  The properties in question were subject to probate and it was hoped ownership would be transferred in the near future.  Standing Orders were re-instated at 7:45pm.

Cllr Newlove raised a number of concerns over the traffic situation at the far end of Station Road, near the bridge.  Traffic regulations (double yellow lines) and a significant number of large vans parked in the vicinity of the chip shop needed to be raised with the relevant authorities as there may also be Planning consideration over parking and occupancy.

Cllr Darby raised the point the Cllr Newlove should declare an interest as this was in the area of a business he had a pecuniary interest in.  It was suggested that Cllr Newlove write to the Clerk to ask for the matters to be placed on the next agenda.

Cllr Wright reported that a fence in the Churchyard had a small break which had allowed sheep to enter the Churchyard.  The fence would need to be repaired.

Cllr Corbould had advertised the twinning and had a positive response from the members of the public to assist with the twinning.  The Mayor of La Bazoge had sent recent copies of their local magazine in he had expressed a keenness to re-connect.

Cllr Papworth highlighted the need for an additional member on the Cemetery Committee an that he would investigate obtaining some top soil to level off some of the sunken graves in the Cemetery.

He had attended the recent LCC Resilience Team exercise carried out at the local Coates (a local Chemical Warehousing and Transport Company).  The exercise was well executed with all the

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relevant emergency services, Environment Agency and Coates employees proving they had all known contingencies covered.

A suggestion for any invite for Omex (local fertiliser manufacturer) if they had any similar exercises and if so, could the Parish Council be invited.

Cllr Papworth also asked for assistances in sorting through all the Christmas lights in the portacabin.

Cllr Fleetwood reported that the Village Hall at Stainfield was now available for bookings following last autumn’s flood.

Cllr Linton reminded everybody that Donna’s Animal Rescue was hosting an event on the playing field Sunday 28 July 2024.

61-24/25.  Planning Matters.
No planning applications notified.

62-24/25.  St. Oswald’s Field.

a.  Acknowledge notification of an application received by West Lindsey District Council to register St Oswald’s Park, Horncastle Road, Bardney as an Asset of Community Value.

A group called Bardney Save the Green Spaces Protection Group had submitted an Asset of Community Value request.  Although there are no plans to sell the land, if future Council’s wished to, there would be a 6 month moratorium which would allow the Group to have first option and raise sufficient funds to do so.

b.  Determine a course of action in relation to the future use of St. Oswald’s field.

The ragwort was an issue and various ways to control the growth were discussed, digging it out, pulling the heads off etc. before it has a chance to seed.  To use a spray, would cost around £7-£8 per acre, but there were health and safety implications with members of the public using the field before safe to do so.

Standing Orders were suspended at 8:15pm, to allow a member of the public to speak.  Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Laughton and approved unanimously.  MOP stated that it would be near impossible to eradicate ragwort, especially in the short term as it would take a number of year to remove the seeded plants and it was also abundant in local highway verges.  Products were available to spot weed and had proved quire effective, but would be an ongoing project.  Standing Orders were re-instated at 8:17pm.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve keeping St. Oswald’s Field as a public open space, with walkways cut through it, rather than regularly fully cutting the entire field.  Full cuts at relevant times of year, managing the ragwort when possible.
Proposed by Cllr Darby, seconded by Cllr O’Sullivan and approved unanimously / by a vote of 9 for, 2 against and 1 abstention.

c.  Consider a course of action in relation to the possible disposal of the Parish Office Portacabin.
Discussion on the future use, or disposal of the old office portacabin, included selling the portacabin (value required), or transfer the Handyman from his current cabin to it, or to use it as a secondary storage unit.  Cllr Newlove queried the planning permission status of the portacabins.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to defer the item to obtain current re-sale value or whether it would work as new accommodation for the Handyman.
Proposed by Cllr Linton, seconded by Cllr Lane and approved by a vote of 10 for and 2 against.

63-24/25.  Receive a report regarding a plan for village Christmas Events/light switch on.
A 'working group' gathering was undertaken and invites sent out to each Councillor and local groups and organisations.  The following have been suggested and provisionally agreed.

  •  Light switch 01-Dec-2024

  •  Road closure for Church Lane

  •  Fancy dress

  •  Market on The Green (food stalls etc.)

  •  Church open for teas and coffees

  •  Santa (Grinch Grotto at the Old Angel)

Further information, with proposals requiring resolutions would be put forward to the next meeting.

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65-24/25.  To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 to discuss the following matters.

a.  Consider staff salary issues as raised by the Payroll Manager and Clerk/RFO.

b.  Consider the proposed contract and Job Description with regard to the new Clerk.

Action:  The Council RESOLVED to go into Closed Session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972.

Proposed by Cllr Laughton, seconded by Cllr Fleetwood and approved unanimously.

This part of the meeting closed 8:33 pm.

The meeting continued in the absence of press and public at 8:34 pm.

Confidential Minutes

a.  Consider the staff salary issues raised by the Payroll Manager and the Clerk/RFO.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the findings from the Payroll Manager and to authorise the outstanding payments.
Proposed by Cllr Newlove, seconded by Cllr Wright and approved unanimously.

b.  Consider the proposed contract and Job Description with regard to the new Clerk.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to approve the suggested amendments to the contract and Job Description for the Clerk.
Proposed by Cllr Lane, seconded by Cllr O’Sullivan and approved unanimously.

The meeting closed at 8:45 pm.

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