19 March 2024 - Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting

Minutes of a meeting of Bardney Group Parish Council held at Bardney Village Hall on Tuesday 19 March 2024.

Present:  Chair:  Cllr Ian Fleetwood

Councillors:  John Papworth (Vice-Chair), Frank Bates, Robin Darby, Ken Hutchinson, Ruth Lane, Keith Laughton, Brian Linton, Barry Newlove, Barry Percival and Samantha Wright.

In attendance:  Mr Eddie Findlay, Locum Clerk to Bardney Group Parish Council

6 members of the public were in attendance.

At 7:00 pm the Chair welcomed everybody, introduced Eddie Findlay as Locum Clerk and asked for any questions from the public.

Members of the Public (MOP) Forum

MOP 1 – asked with regard to St. Oswald’s Field, what if any grants had been considered?  The Chair advised that the matter would be covered during the appropriate minute reference.

MOP 2 – wished to query a couple of matters.

1.  One being the point Cllr Lane had raised at the previous meeting relating to a larger than expected overspend on Christmas lights.  The Chair believed that this matter had been explained at the last meeting, but re-iterated what he had said previously.

2.  External auditor final costings.  It was felt that the final invoice was excessive with no audit trail to substantiate it and surely, they should have been given terms of reference on work and costings received.  The Chair confirmed that the external auditors are appointed by other agencies (*post meeting note – appointed for 5 years by the Smaller Authorities’ Audit Appointments, set up by Department for Communities and Local Government).

They charge a set fee for a normal scope of work but do charge additional fees for any extra work and there was a challenge from a member of the public which they were required to investigate.  Tiem for which they can charge extra.

MOP 3 – disappointed with the perceived attitude to meetings by a Councillor, evident at the last meeting.  The Chair and the Councillor in question clarified that as per Standing Orders a meeting is given 2 hours and he was working within Standing Orders.

MOP 4 – wished to raise a concern of parking on Silver Street.  A vehicle and trailer had parked across the junction with Queen Street, which he felt was parked illegally.  The matter could be passed to Lincolnshire Highway and potentially the Police.

MOP 3 – raised another question with regard Cemetery grass cutting and the situation of allowing the Handyman to work over at Wragby 2 days a month.  That would be discussed by Council later in the meeting.

The Chair declared the meeting open at 7:13 pm.

350-23/24       To receive apologies for absence and reasons given, i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Cllr Mary Corbould and Cllr Lynne Newlove were unable to attend the meeting and their reasons were made known to the Council.

351-23/24.  To receive declarations of interest and to consider dispensation applications in relation to Disclosable Pecuniary Interests.
Cllr Linton declared an interest in minute ref: 362-23/24, regarding the Husqvarna Mower sale by sealed tender bids.

352-23/24.  Notes of the extra-ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 27 February 2024 to be approved as Minutes.
    317-23/24 – Cllr Lane again sought clarification on why so much money had been spent on Christmas lights, four times more than what was approved at minute ref: 199-23/24 Village Revenue Fund, when a cap of just £500.00 was approved.  The Chair re-stated that there had been a negotiation with the lighting company which gave us an introductory discount on lights.
    335-23/24 – Cllr Percival queried the date of the Annual Parish Meeting (APM) against the date of the Annual Council Meeting.  The Clerk clarified the that the APM was the parishioners meeting, and could be held anytime between 01-April and 01-Jun.  The Annual Council Meeting, normally called the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council (AMPC) was when a Chair was elected for the coming year, Standing Orders were adopted etc. and had to be held in May.
    317-23/24 – Cllr Darby supported Cllr Lane in her concern over the Christmas lights and the four fold overspend.
    324-23/24 – Cllr Darby sought confirmation of when the locum Clerk’s contract was agreed.  Cllr Lane gave details on when it was discussed at a P&R Meeting and then brought back to Council.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood that the notes of the extra-ordinary meeting of the Parish Council held on Tuesday 27 February 2024 to be approved as Minutes, but not supported by any other Councillor.  Item deferred.

353-23/24   Receive updates from Cllrs with regard to items from the previous minutes.
a.  Minute ref: 329-23/24 – distribution of surplus IT tablets.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve wiping the IT tablets and sharing them between the school and Scouts.  6 to the School, with 5 offered to the Scouts but if not required by the Scouts, all we be given to the School.
Proposed by Cllr Darby, seconded by Cllr Lane and approved unanimously.

b.  Minute ref: 334-23/24 – Harvey Kent Gardens parking issues.
The Chair had yet to arrange a meeting with the School regarding this issue, subject to upcoming School holidays.

354-23/24       Report from the Chair.
Thanks given to Cllr Papworth and Cllr Linton in assisting the Handyman in shredding the hedge cuttings in the Churchyard.

External office door has been fitted in the proposed new office for the Parish Council, with the interior next to be completed.

The Environment Agency are making progress in making good the bank Short Ferry at alleviate the flooding issues with aim to reopen the roads in around 3 weeks.

The warning klaxon at the Coates site had been going off intermittently through January and they had called in to the Parish Office to apologise, as this was due to welding work triggering the sensors.

355-23/24.  Financial Matters.
  To consider and approve payments from 17 January through to 20 March 2024.
Cllr Hutchinson wanted to clarify that even though they were being asked to consider and approve, a number of the payments had already been released and they were being asked to approve retrospectively.  He asked the Clerk if this was correct.  The Clerk confirmed that in previous roles he would have two items, payments made between meetings and payment to be approved.  Once approved, these would then be released for payment.  He advised that those reviewing the new version of Financial Regulations distributed on behalf of Cllr Laughton ensure they include how they wished for payments to be made.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve payments from 17 January through to 20 March 2024.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Linton and approved by a vote of 6 for, 2 against and 3 abstentions.

b.  To consider and approve the bank reconciliation to 29 February 2024.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation to 29 February 2024.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Wright and approved by a vote of 10 for and 1 against.

c.  Consider the transfer of monies from Reserves Account to the Current Account.
It was expected that by year end, Council funds would stand between £35,000 to £40,000.00 and this transfer was to ensure that Council had sufficient funds in the current account to cover all outgoings.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the transfer of monies, if required, a sum of £5,000.00 from Reserves Account to the Current Account, but if not required, transferring the bulk of the precept to the Reserve Account to maximise the interest gained.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Hutchinson and approved unanimously.

d.  Consider the cost to continue with the @bardneygroup-pc.gov.uk domain for emails.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the cost, of no more than £125.00 (including VAT) to continue with the @bardneygroup-pc.gov.uk domain for emails.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Percival and approved unanimously.

e.  Consider replacing SIM card/contract to allow for a more cost-effective solution.
The Chair gave details on the current contract (£34.32) and was proposing a SIM Only scenario for up to £10.00.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve moving to a SIM only contract (minutes and data) to allow for a more cost-effective solution.
Proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr B Newlove and approved unanimously.

356-23/24       Committee Reports.
a.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Allotment Committee.
No actual Chair of Committee so Cllr Papworth reported that 4 new people had requested allotments which had been accommodated.  New agreements had gone out as of first week of March.

b.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Cemetery Committee.
Cllr Papworth read out a letter of thanks from the Bardney Cemetery Improvement Team thanking individuals, including Cllrs.  Work on repairing memorials had been completed with more being planned and if anyone had any new grey paving slabs (300x300x50) that could be gifted to help stabilise other headstones within the Cemetery.

Cllr Fleetwood referred to a recent burial issue relating to a previously agreed double depth burial plot, granted in error, in November 2020.  Due to the water table, double depth burials are not possible, and it was to be considered at the next Committee offering the plot next to the original to the family.

Cllr Darby brought to the attention of the Council that previous Committee minutes (August) had not been brought to Full Council for ratification.

The Clerk had yet not had time to read all the Committee Terms of Reference but would do so as soon as possible and then review the last Committee minutes and see what if any items needing to be brought to Full Council for approval.

c.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Personnel and Review Committee.
        i.  Consider the opening hours of the actual Parish Office, during the period of having a Locum Clerk, to allow working from home.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve having the locum Clerk working in the actual office on one day per week (Tuesday 10am-2pm, meeting days 2pm to 6pm an then cover the meeting) and then working from home to fill his remaining hours.
Proposed by Cllr Lane, seconded by Cllr B Newlove and approved unanimously.

d.  Receive a report from the Chair of the Policy and Procedures Committee.
Cllr Laughton confirmed everybody had received paper copies of Standing Orders and Financial Regulations.  Changes had been presented in red type and it was proposed that they are reviewed and brought back with items for consideration and adopted at the April meeting.

357-23/24       Ward Reports.
Receive reports from Councillor Members.
Cllr B Linton reported that he had been approached by a MOP regarding the poor state of the bus shelter.  He had mentioned it to the Handyman but no remedial work had been carried out and he (Cllr Linton) did it himself.  He asked that bus shelters be added to the Handyman’s schedule of work.  It was confirmed that is was already on there and any further issues of non-compliance be brought to the Clerk’s attention as Line Manager.

It was asked by Cllr B Newlove whether the land at the Lancaster Close development was to receive the bench, which was within the Planning Application.  This would be investigated by the Clerk.

358-23/24       Planning Matters.
a.  147938 – Planning application to remove 4no. existing dwellings and associated dilapidated buildings & erect 2no. dormer bungalows with detached garages and associated works.
Location:  Land at Scotgrove, Henry Lane, Bardney, LN3 5TF.
Council wished to submit that they thought access to the site was poor.

b.  148067 – Application for non-material amendment to planning permission 141184 granted 20 August 2020 - enlarge & relocate fork-lift charging bay, relocate/alignment of car parking, omission of exit/circulation road, addition of dock-leveler, enlarge westward of service yard, omission of subterranean warehouse floor level.
Location:  Land adj to Reeves Business Park, Horncastle Road, Bardney, LN3 5SU.
No comments.

c.  147764 – Hazardous substances consent application to increase existing consent for substances hazardous to the aquatic environment - Category Acute 1or Chronic 1 and Category Chronic 2.
Location:  H W Coates Ltd, Horncastle Road, Bardney, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN3 5SY.
Council wished to submit the following comments in that it appears “run off” in inclement weather could lead to contamination leaving the site due to overwhelming the current catchment.

359-23/24       St. Oswald’s Field.
a.  Consider the cost of the site to the Parish Council.
It was suggested to allow for a fuller discussion to take place, costings be made available for things such as; how much does it cost to mow the area, how many hours does it take, fuel used etc.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to defer this item to allow for further investigation of costings
Proposed by Cllr Lane, seconded by Cllr Hutchinson and approved by a vote of 10 for and 1 abstention.

b.  Consider any potential income to be received for the site.
It was suggested that between £1,200.00 to £1,600.00 could be attained by renting the field back out to a local farmer.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approach local farmers to ascertain if there was any appetite to take on additional land for farming.
Proposed by Cllr B Percival, seconded by Cllr B. Newlove and approved by a vote of 6 for and 5 against, along with a counter proposal from Cllr R Darby being voted on, in so much as, once the above was known, along with the information found from minute ref 359-23/24, a referendum should then be held across the Parish Group residents and to see if it should be left as is, or rented out.
Proposed by Cllr R Darby, seconded by Cllr K Laughton and approved by a vote of 6 for and 5 against.

c.  The legality of parked vehicles on the land.
An email from WLDC Development Management Team Leader stating “here are permitted development rights (automatic permission) to use land for not more than 28 days in total in any calendar year.  As long as these limits are not breached planning permission would not be required.”
A robust discussion took place over whether planning permission was required and the definition of what “development” meant in the context of the above email.
This item would require further investigation with West Lindsey District Council.

360-23/24.  Limewoods Magazine.
a.  To receive costings for the publication of the magazine.
b.  Consider whether to continue with the publication.
c.  Consider an Editor for the magazine should it continue to be produced.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to take all 3 items as one as there was no wish to continue with the magazine.
Proposed by Cllr B Newlove, seconded by Cllr Papworth and approved unanimously.

361-23/24.      Consider the co-option applications for the following.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to suspend Standing Orders to allow both applicants to speak should they wish.
Proposed by Cllr I Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr R Lane and approved unanimously.
a.  Bardney Ward.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the co-option of Deborah O’Sullivan for the Bardney Ward.
Proposed by Cllr I Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr B Newlove and approved unanimously.

b.  Southrey Ward.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the co-option of Julie Hill for the Southrey Ward.
Proposed by Cllr I Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr B Newlove and approved unanimously.

362-23/24.  Husqvarna Mower sale.
To receive sealed tenders in respect of sale/disposal of the mower in line with Financial Regulations.  There was only one bid received.
Action: The Council RESOLVED to approve the tender bid for £375.00 to purchase the Husqvarna Mower.  The item would be taken of the Asset Register.
Proposed by Cllr I Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr Papworth and approved by a vote of 10 for and 1 abstention.

363-23/24.  To resolve to go into closed session in accordance with the Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960, as amended by Section 100 of the Local Government Act 1972 to discuss the following matters.
a.  Consider contractual matters in respect of the Handyman and Wragby Parish Council.
Proposed by Cllr I Fleetwood, seconded by Cllr S Wright and approved unanimously.

This part of the meeting closed 8:46 pm.

The meeting continued in the absence of press and public at 8:46 pm.

(Not for publication by virtue of section 100A(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the items being of a confidential nature.)

Confidential Minutes
Consider contractual matters in respect of the Handyman and Wragby Parish Council.
Action:  The Council RESOLVED to cease the current arrangement with Wragby Parish Council and review a new schedule of works for the additional time he would be available.
Proposed by Cllr B Newlove, seconded by Cllr S Wright and approved by a vote of 9 for and

2 abstentions.

The meeting closed at 8:55 pm