27 Feb 2024 Extra Ordinary Meeting Minutes

Bardney Group Parish Council
Minutes from the Full Council Meeting
Minutes of an Extra Ordinary Meeting of Bardney Group Parish Council, which was held at Bardney Village Hall, Bardney on Tuesday 27th February 2024 at 6.00pm
There was a 15 minute public forum prior to the start of the meeting where members of the public may address the Council on current issues or items that may become future agenda items.
A member of the public asked about Minutes from the previous Full Council Meeting which included the items dealt with in closed session and was this correct? The Chairman advised that following discussions with LALC that this was the correct procedure, and this was the latest advice offered by LALC.
Another member of the public asked if the External Auditors report would be made public? The Chairman advised that the report had been circulated to all Councillors when it was received, and a copy of the report had been placed on the website at the same time.
The first member of the public asked if the Lincolnshire Football Association had been in contact with BGPC regarding St. Oswald’s? The Chairman advised that the Lincolnshire Football Association had not been in direct contact with the Parish Council, and also believed that there had been no communication to Bardney Panthers who were potentially setting up a meeting.
The same member of the public asked regarding the Draft Minutes of the P & R Committee and if decisions were being made that would stand up in law especially if they were to be completing the Internal Audit? The Chairman advised that LALC would potentially be providing external staff to their organisation who should not have any conflicts.
Another member of the public spoke with regard to what a positive investment the new Speed Radars had been and how effective they had performed with a noticeable reduction in speed. The Chairman advised that the Radars do record information in both directions, and that the information could be used to help initiatives with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership.
Cllr Fleetwood (Chairman)
Cllr Bates
Cllr Darby
Cllr Hutchinson
Cllr Lane
Cllr B Newlove
Cllr Percival
A proposal was made by Cllr Lane and SECONDED by Cllr Hutchinson that item 324-23/24 (a) Employment Matters was dealt with as first item on the Agenda. This was agreed with all Councillors voting.
324-23/24 (a) Employment Matters
Following the Clerk/RFO leaving the P & R Chair has taken advice from LALC which was that the previous employee could return as RFO with a new contract or a Locum could be provided by LALC. The Locum is a trained Clerk/RFO with experience in other Parishes and would be available asap. The Locum would be available for 10 to 12 hours per week working mainly remotely – this would be an interim arrangement whilst a permanent employee was found. Any payments would be made to LALC and rates would need to be discussed in Closed Session, but on a basis of a 12 hour contract it would be ‘not a lot more’ than has previously been paid. The Chairman welcomed the idea of a set of external experienced eyes to deal with Council duties and move forwards which he PROPOSED until there is a permanent employment, subject to a LALC contract. This was SECONDED by the Cllr Hutchinson, and this was agreed by Councillors.
A draft job description for the Clerk/RFO role was circulated by the P & R Chair. The suggestion was to advertise with LALC, West Lindsey District Council and also the Post Office. The Chair asked for feedback. Queries were made regarding the IT requirements and also with regard to pay scale, and the proposal was to have a sliding scale based upon experience. The P & R Chair asked for permission to move this on quickly and that responses to applications would be made to the Clerk/Locum. This was formally PROPOSED by Cllr Lane and SECONDED by Cllr Hutchinson with all in agreement.
The Handyman’s Contract has also been reviewed and there are a few minor amendments to be made (address, grave digging, marking out of graves, use of his own equipment). This was PROPOSED by Cllr Lane and SECONDED by Cllr Hutchinson with all in agreement.
311-23/24 Clerk/RFO Duties: To consider and resolve; following the resignation of the Clerk/RFO, the Chairman carries out all duties as necessary.
PROPOSED that delegation be given for the Clerk/RFO role and assistance to the Locum for a period of six weeks by Cllr Darby and SECONDED by Cllr Hutchinson, 3 in favour, 2 against with Cllr Fleetwood abstaining.
312-23/24 Apologies for Absence To accept Apologies for Absence and reasons given in accordance with Local Government Act 1972 s85(1).
Apologies were received from Cllr Papworth, Cllr Corbould, Cllr Lintin, Cllr Laughton, Cllr Wright and Cllr L Newlove which were all accepted.
313-23/24 Declarations of Interests Members Declarations of Interests:
a. Members may make any declarations of interest at this point but may also make them at any point during the meeting. No declarations were made.
b. Dispensations: To consider and grant dispensation to relevant members in accordance with the Councils Code of Conduct. Cllr Darby stated that he has a recorded declaration regarding Allotments so wouldn’t be voting on item 319-23/24 Allotment Rent.
314-23/24 To approve as a correct record the notes meetings held:
a. Parish Council Meeting 16th January 2024 PROPOSED by Cllr Percival, SECONDED by Cllr Bates with a clear majority.
b. Extra Meeting 29th January 2024 PROPOSED by Cllr Percival, SECONDED by Cllr Bates with a clear majority.
c. Cemetery Committee Meeting 29th January 2024 PROPOSED by Cllr Hutchinson. Cllr Darby asked regarding the minutes of 23rd August and the Chairman advised he would research because the Chairman of the Cemetery Committee isn’t present. SECONDED by Cllr Fleetwood, the minutes were signed by Cllr Hutchinson Cemetery Committee Vice-Chair with a clear majority.
d. Policy and Procedures Committee Meeting 30th January 2024 PROPOSED by Cllr Percival, SECONDED by Cllr Fleetwood with a clear majority.
e. Personnel and Review Committee Meeting 6th February 2024 PROPOSED by Cllr Lane SECONDED by Cllr Darby with a clear majority
315-23/24 Chairman’s Remarks
The Chairman stated that he had received a message from a representative of St Lawrence’s Church requesting that positive comments and thanks were made to the Parish Council regarding the Remembrance Day Event, the Christmas lights on the Green and the refurbishment of the nativity crib. The Chairman continued to state that a grant application of £3000 had been successful to West Lindsey District Council and this covered the full cost of flags, portable speakers, a hearing aid amplifier and new Christmas lights, all of which would be used in future events. There is still an outstanding issue with regards to the electricity supply to the Green which is on-going with LCC street lighting. The Causeway has had work completed at the Bardney end but the Chairman (as a LCC County Councillor) has asked the LCC Portfolio Holder when the other end will be addressed.
Financial Matters:
316-23/24 Annual Return 2022/2023: To approve the conclusion of the audit for 2022/2023 and posting of the notice for a period of 14 days.
The External Auditors had made comments with regards to the audit around procedure and challenges, which they had charged for the additional work. If the Council were to further challenge the report there would no doubt be additional costs charged to the Parish Council which would not be in the interests of spending the public money. The Chairman PROPOSED that the report be received and be placed on the various notice boards for 14 days with a need to move forwards. Cllr Hutchinson requested a recorded vote because specific questions had not been answered by the Auditors. A suggestion was made to refer the report to the Police by Cllr Newlove which would need to be an agenda item, but the current agenda item was to approve the certificate of audit. If it was strongly felt that there should be further discussion then this should become a LALC committee agenda item. Cllr B Newlove SECONDED the recorded vote and moving the item.
RECORDED VOTE For: Cllrs Darby, Bates, Percival, Fleetwood, Lane Against: Cllrs Hutchinson, B Newlove
317-23/24 Accounts for Payment:
a. To consider and approve the accounts for payment January 2024/February 2024. Cllr Lane raised a concern regarding the purchase of Christmas lights. At a meeting held on Tuesday 2nd November 2023, a cap of £500 on Christmas lights was agreed, whereas the accounts for payment showed lighting costs at £2,252. The Chair pointed out that the Council had considered the purchase of a number of items through a West Lindsey Village Revenue Grant, believing the cap of £500 being on Parish Council money, not grant money. Cllr Lane believed it was all relating to Grant money and asked when the additional purchases were agreed, as the minutes she had only related to Grant money. A cap of £500 on Christmas lighting was agreed within Grant money alone and read out an extract from the November meeting to that effect. The Chair stated that within the grant application, flags, PA system and lights would be purchased but negotiations with the lights supplier had allowed a larger purchase within the terms of the grant. There had been no direct cost to the Parish Council, but Cllr Lane and a number of other Councillors believed that the extra expenditure should have been discussed at Council. Cllr Lane also queried two transactions regarding HCI data being paid on the same day and it was explained that all payments should have been released by the bank after the meeting which was cancelled last week. The payments had been recorded by the previous RFO and the Chairman offered to go back and check the transactions. All of the payments had been approved and seconded by authorised Councillors on the 16th February and the Chairman PROPOSED that the payments be ratified. This was not seconded and so the Chairman offered to refer this to either LALC or the Locum to deal with. The accounts were then discussed with the monthly account and a new report created by the accounts software illustrating a month by month summary. Cllr Lane queried a sum of £419.52 against a heading of Events. The Chairman was unable to state what it was off hand but stated that if Cllr Lane wished to come into the Parish Office the item could be checked under that heading. Cllr Darby questioned the values attached to ‘Grants’ and the Chairman stated that he believed that the Bowls Club grant and various West Lindsey grants made up the figure.
b. To consider and approve the bank reconciliation to 31st January 2024. Cllr Hutchinson stated that he couldn’t see a closing bank balance. The Chairman stated that he thought that the bank reconciliation had been emailed out with the various reports but hadn’t printed a hard copy that afternoon. The Chairman was aware that there was around £40535 in the reserve account and that the current account was around £5000. It was anticipated that at year end the bank account would be in the region of £35000 and £40000 but Councillors were welcome to review all information in the Parish Office. The Chairman PROPOSED items (a) and (b) but Cllr Lane stated she would accept everything except the transaction history which became the proposal. This was voted on unanimously.
c. To consider and approve to renew LALC Membership at a cost of £509.34 PROPOSED by Cllr Fleetwood SECONDED by Cllr Percival which was carried.
d. To consider and approve to engage the support of LALC for website administration at a cost of £85 plus VAT. The Chairman stated that he had been doing this but a small amount of technical help would be useful. PROPOSED by Cllr Fleetwood SECONDED by Cllr Hutchinson which was carried.
318-23/24 Grant Application: To receive a Grant Application and supporting documentation received from Stainfield Village Hall and resolve if to support.
Information had been circulated and Stainfield Hall had been flooded – the Chairman stated that the sum requested was £500. This was PROPOSED by Cllr Fleetwood SECONDED Cllr Percival and this was a unanimous vote.
319-23/24 Allotment Rent: To consider and resolve the Annual Rental Charge for 2024/2025. Unfortunately the Allotment Committee had not met. The Chairman stated that invoices need to be sent very soon and the current charge should be levied at the current rate. There are vacant allotments available. PROPOSED by Cllr Fleetwood, SECONDED by Cllr B Newlove with everybody in favour. Please note Cllr Darby did not vote based upon his previous declaration as an Allotment Holder.
320-23/24 Radar Poles: To consider and resolve the purchase of 2 Poles at a cost of £600 for use with the Speed Radar Devices purchased with Grant aid. Two poles are need to be purchased via LCC Highways/ Lincs Road Safety Partnership for locations at Station Road and Wragby Road because no existing posts could accommodate the new Radars. PROPOSED by Cllr Fleetwood, SECONDED by Cllr Hutchinson and carried.
321-23/24 Husqvarna Mower: To receive the sealed tenders in respect of the mower in line with Financial Regulations and resolve the sale. No tenders had been received and Cllr Fleetwood PROPOSED that the mower was advertised again with no starting price and the tenders be brought back to the next meeting for the Council to consider. SECONDED by Cllr Lane and the vote was carried.
322-23/24 Cemetery Grass Cutting: To receive the sealed tenders in respect of the Grass Cutting Contract in line with Financial Regulations and resolve to award the Contract. Tenders for cutting the front of the cemetery were opened in full view of the Council by Cllr Fleetwood and also scrutinised by Cllr Percival. The Council considered the quotations, and also debated whether or not to award a Contract taking into account the recent injury of the Handyman and being able to complete the work if he was incapacitated or on holiday. The Handyman would be instructed the cut the large area of Part IV of the cemetery with the Council’s ride-on mower. Cllr Hutchinson stated that his thoughts were that the Handyman didn’t go to Wragby and carried out work at Bardney which Cllr B Newlove agreed with. There was a PROPOSAL by Cllr Newlove SECONDED by Cllr Hutchinson that the Handyman cuts all of the Cemetery. The quote for £24972.86 excluding VAT over 3 years was also PROPOSED by Cllr Lane SECONDED by Cllr Percival with 4 in favour 2 against with an abstention by Chairman which was accepted by the meeting.
323-23/24 Bank Signatories: To consider and resolve signatories for the Bank Account. There were no volunteers to become signatories and the item had no further discussion.
324-23/24 Personnel & Review Committee: To receive a report from the Personnel and Review Committee:
a. Employment Matters (324-23/24(a) Minuted earlier)
b. Termination of the Contract in respect of work carried out by the Handyman on behalf of Wragby Parish Council. Councillors asked that the Clerk/RFO engage with Wragby Parish Council to review the rates, expenses and contract. Cllr Fleetwood PROPOSED that the item is brought back to next month’s meeting after there had been some discussion between the Councils in view of the fact that Wragby had emailed very recently stating they wished for a discussion. There was no vote taken.
325-23/24 Cemetery Committee: To receive recommendations from the Cemetery Committee No report was offered.
326-23/24 Policy & Procedures Committee: To receive an update on progress; together with a schedule of review. No report was offered.
327-23/24 St Oswald’s Field: To consider:
a. the cost of the site to the Parish Council
b. any potential income received from the site
c. the legality of parked vehicles on the land.
The Chairman stated that the field was cut by using a large tractor rented in to pull the Parish Council’s mounted mower as required. Cllr Hutchinson stated that the Parish Council had spent loads of money creating the area without any chance of it becoming a football field and that it needs to go back out to tender for the farmer. The Chairman stated that the area nearest to the road is now planted as an orchard and there is a possibility to leave benches in place and have a walkway around the field – in May 2023 the area was reseeded by a contractor at a large cost and a representative of Bardney Panthers had stated that it was not fit for purpose as a football area. To his knowledge, Lincolnshire Football Association had not been in contact with Bardney Panthers who were going to invite the Parish Council to any proposed meeting. It was therefore a large amenity area. Cllr Darby suggested that as an amenity area it should not always be on a business case basis and that if it was to be removed then a referendum should be held to consult the community. Cllr Darby suggested that grants should be obtained to cover the maintenance aspect and he asked the Chairman how Cherry Willingham Parish Council obtained grants for ‘Cherry Fields’ being an amenity space in that Parish. The Chairman said that he would pass on details to Cllr Darby if this could be done accepting any issues regarding GDPR. Cllr Darby stated that from previous experience it had been very difficult for the rental of the space as a means of obtaining income. Cllr Lane suggested that the area be offered to the Village Hall and Playing Field Committee to resolve the on-going maintenance which the Chairman responded by to by saying that there had been no enthusiasm expressed by them. The car parking issue had been referred to West Lindsey District Council and a reply was awaited. Cllr B Newlove stated that he had been in contact with planners and that there was a need to regularise all of the development that was currently in place. The Chairman PROPOSED the item be deferred to gain additional information.
328-23/24 D-Day 80th Anniversary 6th June 2024. To consider and resolve:
a. An event is organised in commemoration of D Day 6th June 2024. The Chairman stated that St. Lawrence Church were definitely holding an event and that the Veterans may also be doing some activity. The Parish Council could support either organisation with their events rather than staging another in conflict and this could be using the Parish Council’s new equipment. There was no enthusiasm offered by Councillors. Cllr Darby stated that the Veteran’s Club would be holding a breakfast. Cllr Fleetwood PROPOSED that the Parish Council assisted St Lawrence’s Church wherever they could which was SECONDED by Cllr Percival with a clear majority.
b. The purchase of a D Day 80 Beacon Burner Unit. This was PROPOSED by Cllr Fleetwood which was SECONDED by Cllr B Newlove and was carried.
Cllr Newlove stated that the meeting duration had now been 2 hours and based on Standing Orders the meeting should not continue any longer. Cllr Darby PROPOSED that Standing Orders be suspended for another hour to allow completion of the meeting which was SECONDED by Cllr Fleetwood who amended this extension to be a maximum of 30 minutes. Cllr Newlove bid the meeting goodnight and left. This was put to the vote with a clear majority.
329-23/24 IT Tablets: To consider and resolve the distribution of Tablets returned by former Councillors for use. Councillors discussed the redundant IT Andriod Tablets which would be wiped and offered to the Primary School or a Charity as a first option if they were written off the Asset Register. Cllr Lane said perhaps the School policy might not allow and that a local group could be an alternative. Cllr Fleetwood PROSPOSED this which was SECONDED by Cllr Lane and was agreed with a clear majority.
330-23/24 Limewoods Magazine:
a. to receive costings for the publication of the magazine
b. if to continue with future publications
c. editor for the magazine should it continue to be produced
The Chairman stated that the costs involved were generally officer time with a smaller amount for printing costs and distribution. It needed a Councillor to volunteer to be editor because of staff resources. There was no enthusiasm for this. Cllr Hutchinson PROPOSED that the magazine be discontinued. Cllr Darby said that all the resources were still in place but the problem with the magazine was producing the content. It was then PROPOSED by Cllr Lane and SECONDED by Cllr Darby that this item be deferred to the next meeting.
331-23/24 Ward Reports: To receive reports from Council Members. Cllr Fleetwood stated that the Environment Agency contractors were now on-site and had commenced work filling in the breach to the Barlings Eau in Stainfield Fen. This had a projected timeframe of 12 weeks. Cllr Darby commented upon flooding of the carriageway at the bottom of Abbey Road, which Cllr Fleetwood stated that he addressed on a regular basis with LCC Highways. No other report was offered.
332-23/24 Planning Applications: (full information can be found on West Lindsey District Council website)
Ref No: 147831 Wheatlands 5 Church Lane Bardney LN3 5TZ. Replacement of existing flat roof with pitched and erection of single storey side extension to annexe. No comments to West Lindsey.
Ref No: 147828 The Squirrels Back Lane Bardney LN3 5YE. Loft conversion. No comments to West Lindsey.
Ref No: 147479 Water Tower Abbey Road Bardney LN3 5XD. Conversion of water tower to 1no. dwelling with demolition of existing attached agricultural buildings, and extension of host building. No comments to West Lindsey.
333-23/24 Tree Preservation Order: To receive a report from West Lindsey District Council regarding a Tree Preservation Order, Stocks Hill, Abbey Road, Bardney. West Lindsey District Council had responded stating that the tree was in the ownership of Lincolnshire County Council and in their view did not need a Tree Preservation Order.
334-23/24 Parking Harvey Kent Gardens: To receive recommendations regarding parking issues in the vicinity of the School. Cllr Fleetwood PROPOSED that he will discuss this issue with the Primary School which was SECONDED by Cllr Lane and agreed with a clear majority.
335-23/24 Annual Parish Meeting: To consider and resolve a date and time for the Annual Parish Meetings to be held within the Parish and format. This is the Elector’s meeting – suggested Thursday 4th April 2024 at 7pm. Cllr Fleetwood PROPOSED and SECONDED by Cllr Bates with a clear majority to accept the date.
336-23/24 Meeting Schedule: To consider and resolve a schedule of dates and venues for Parish Council Meetings 2024/2025. 18th April 2024, Annual Council 16 May 2024, 20th June 2024, 18th July 2024, 19th August 2024, 19th September 2024, 17th October 2024, 21st November 2024. Council considered this and agreed that it would be the third Tuesday of each month for the residual of the year excluding August and December. Therefore the dates for meetings will be Tuesday 19th March, Tuesday 16th April, Tuesday 21st May, Tuesday 18th June, Tuesday 16th July, Tuesday 17th September, Tuesday 15th October, Tuesday 19th November. PROPOSED by Cllr Hutchinson and SECONDED by Cllr Lane with a clear majority.
Date of next meeting. Tuesday 19th March 2024
The meeting closed at 8:21 pm.