February 2019 Minutes

Notes from the meeting of Thursday 21st February 2019
Held at the Meeting Room, Bardney Fire Station, Alma Martin Way, Bardney, Lincoln LN3 5UA
Councillors Present: In Attendance:
Cllr R Webb – Chair Anna Lawson as
Cllr Shaw Clerk and RFO
Cllr Luke Cluett Pauline Fry
Cllr B Newlove Admin Assistant
Cllr S Zubic DC and CC
Cllr J Zubic I Fleetwood
Cllr Darby asked DC/CC Fleetwood if he could confirm the existence of a Town and Parish Liaison Officer within LCC highways. No direct answer was received to this question.
Cllr Webb asked DC/CC Fleetwood if there were any Town and Parish Liaison Officers within any LCC departments. DC/CC Fleetwood neither confirmed or denied if a Town and Parish Liaison Officer existed.
The meeting commenced at 7.06pm
1- Apologies for absence. To receive apologies for absence.
Cllr E Clee and Cllr M speed
2-21/02/2019 Chairman’s Report. To receive a report from the Chairman of the Council.
- Commonwealth War Graves sign has been installed on the Lychgate.
- Dates for Electors Meetings have been arranged, the meetings will also include Bardney Bridge updates. Dates for meetings are;
Stainfield - 14th March 2019 at 7.00pm
Bardney - 21st March 2019 at 7.00pm
Southrey – Date to be amended due to Purdah
- Cherry Willingham will not be attending the Community Speedwatch training.
- Lea Grove – A complaint has been made to the Ombudsman regarding the planning application for Lea Grove.
- Allotments – Agreement to declassify a parcel of land at the allotments has been agreed by the Secretary of State.
3-21/02/19 To receive declarations of interest (2011 Localism Act) on Agenda items.
Cllr Newlove declared that he owned a parcel of land next to Bardney Bridge and he was considering making it into a car park for the duration of the bridge repairs.
4-21/02/19 To receive dispensation requests on Agenda items and to decide whether to grant same.
Cllr Newlove has not requested dispensation as he has not, at his time, made a formal application to site a car park on his land.
5-21/02/2019 To approve as a true record the notes of the parish council meeting held 17th January 2019
Cllr Darby and Cllr Corbould abstained from voting, as they were not present at the last meeting. The remainder of the councillors agreed to accept the minutes from last Council meeting (PROPOSED Cllr S Zubic, SECONDED Cllr J Zubic). Minutes signed by Chairman
6-21/02/2019 To receive update on actions raised at the 17th January 2019 meeting and consider a report from the Clerk to the Council.
Update on ongoing matters. Complaints & Compliments: Clerks report
Cllr J Zubic requested that, if possible, an artist impression of Bardney Bridge be made available at the electors’ meetings so that residents can see what the bridge will look like when completed.
7-21/02/2019 Financial matters.
- RESOLVED by unanimous vote to approve the following bank reconciliation. (PROPOSED Cllr Darby, SECONDED Cllr Corbould)
Bardney Group Parish Council Bank Reconciliation for January 2019 as at 31.01.19 Balance as at 01.01.19 £76,777.9 Income Total income £369.27
Expenditure Total expenditure £6738.13
Balance as at 31.01.19 £70,409.11
Less cheques
- To ratify payments of accounts/salaries/BACS payments and ratification of payments already made.
RESOLVED by unanimous vote to ratify the following payments. (PROPOSED Cllr Newlove, SECONDED Cllr Zubic).
8-21/02/2019 Planning matters. To note any approved applications received and consider any planning applications and decide any comments that the Council which to make.
139049 - Listed building consent for two storey and single storey extensions
Cllr Newlove stated that, because this was a listed building, the Heritage Department be made aware of the application and that the extension be kept in character with the rest of the building
138919 - Outline planning application to erect 1no. dwelling with access, layout and scale to be considered and not reserved for subsequent applications.
Planning was submitted last year and then withdrawn.
Proposal – To object to planning application 138919
(PROPOSED by Cllr Webb, SECONDED by Cllr S Zubic) carried UNANIMOUSLY.
138830 - Application for approval of reserved matters for Phase 3B and 3C to erect 117no. dwellings providing details of appearance, landscaping, layout and scale, following outline planning permission 131498 allowed on appeal 26 April 2016.
Proposal – To object to planning application 138830
(PROPOSED by Cllr Webb, SECONDED by Cllr S Zubic) carried UNANIMOUSLY.
9 – 21/02/2019 Terms of Reference for the Personnel and Review Committee
Cllr Zubic informed the meeting that NALC are looking at policies for the P & R Committee. This item will be revisited at a later date when this process has been completed.
10 – 21/02/2019 Church railings, safety issue. To discuss and approve the dismantling and painting of the church railings.
Discussion held on how the Church railings would be removed and painted. Checks to be made on Public Liability Insurance for person helping handyman. Making sure that high viz vests are worn.
(PROPOSED by Cllr Webb, SECONDED by Cllr Darby) carried UNANIMOUSLY.
11 – 21/02/2019 Duties of Handyman. To discuss whether the Handyman could empty dog waste bins as part of his role.
Cllrs discussed a comment made on social media that Handyman could empty dog waste bins. It was agreed that this is not in his remit.
(PROPOSED by Cllr Webb, SECONDED by Cllr J Zubic), carried UNANIMOUSLY.
12 – 21/02/2019 Metal Detectorist. To consider way forward over issue.
Cllrs discussed an application from a local metal detectorist to carry out metal detecting on land next to the allotments. Proposal made to refuse request.
(PROPOSED by Cllr Webb, SECONDED by Cllr S Zubic) Cllr Shaw and Cllr Darby abstained. The remaining Cllrs agreed with proposal.
13 – 21/02/2019 Best Kept Village Competition. To discuss entry of competition
Discussion held on whether villages should enter the competition. Decided to seek views of parishioners at Electors meetings.
14 – 21/02/2019 Operation London Bridge. To approve purchase of photographs.
PROPOSAL not to purchase photographs.
(PROPOSED by Cllr Newlove, SECONDED by Cllr S Zubic)
AGAINST Cllr Corbould and Cllr Shaw
FOR Cllr J Zubic, Cllr Darby, Cllr Cluett, Cllr Webb
15 – 21/02/2019 Junior Council To consider the setting up of a Junior Council
Cllrs discussed the idea of setting up a Junior Council. It was decided to contact the local school to gain their views.
16 – 21/02/2019 Monitoring Officer Consider ratifying complaint.
This item was deferred until the later meeting.
Meeting closed at 8.04pm. DC/CC Fleetwood left the meeting as it would be moving into closed session.
RESOLVED unanimously to move to closed session. (PROPOSED by Cllr Webb, SECONDED by Cllr Darby).