September 2019 Minutes

Minutes from the meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 19th September 2019.
Held at the Meeting Room, Bardney Fire Station, Alma Martin Way, Bardney, Lincoln LN3 5UA
Councillors Present: In Attendance:
Cllr Darby Anna Lawson as
Cllr E Clee Clerk and RFO
Cllr Shaw
Cllr L Cluett
Cllr B Newlove
Cllr P Waddington
Public session of the meeting commenced at 7.00pm
No requests had been received by the Clerk for permission to record, video or take photos of the Council meeting, therefore the only recording which would take place was the one undertaken by the Parish Council themselves.
Meeting commenced at 7.15pm
60-2019/20 Apologies for Absence i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies received from Cllr Speed, Cllr Corbould, Cllr S Zubic and Cllr J Zubic
61-2019/20 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests
None received
62-2019/20 To receive and consider any dispensation requests on agenda items and decide whether they are to be granted.
None received
63-2019/20 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meetings held on 25th July 2019 and extra ordinary meeting held on 5th September 2019. To authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.
25/7/19 Approved PROPOSED Cllr Clee SECONDED Cllr P Waddington ABSTENTION Cllr Cluett, Cllr Newlove
5/9/19 Approved PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Clee ABSTENTION Cllr Newlove
64-2019/20 To receive and consider a report from the Clerk to the Council on any outstanding matters and correspondence received since the meeting of 25th July 2019.
Clerks report
All have received weekly report.
- Issues still ongoing regarding abusive sign at house in Southrey. WLDC ASB involved and Enforcement. Police to deal with as breaches Section 5 Public Order Act
- Issues with a number of SORN vehicles parked on Station Rd. These are not linked to the garage but believed to involve an individual.
- This in turn is making parking issues worse on Station Rd.
- Issues re signage from various business and groups. Several have been contacted and a message left for the other.
- The field/community land behind the allotments is going to be sprayed to finish off the weeds. This is maintenance work and must be carried out regardless of plans for the land. BGPC have adopted best practice i.e. signage and notification, however this has resulted in unfavourable responses via social media. BGPC are acting as the good land owner doing this signage and the allotment and surrounding area are totally safe due to choosing a good contractor and weather conditions. Should have been sprayed this week however the wind changed and as such planning to do the work at the weekend - John is coming in over the weekend to supervise.
- As such an allotment holder was abusive via social media and made derogatory comments about staff. Following consultation with the Chairman a letter was sent to the allotment holder reminding him of his responsibilities and the behaviour clause in the tenancy Act. The same tenant has had to be written to in May 2018 regarding the same issue. Today he has called the office shouting and demanding to know who has complained about his comments (there were two allotment holders). BGPC do not wish to stop constructive criticism and feedback on practices; however staff should not be subject to abuse. Please could council advise as to how you wish to proceed?
- Received reply from Sir Edward Leigh and Ian Trenholm re-Dr’s surgery closure. It is noted that the response contains a lot of inaccuracies. Believe formal response will be issued once Cllrs Speed and Zubic have returned.
65-2019/20 To approve co-option of new Councillor
Nigel Bradbury was Co-opted on to council. The meeting was closed at 19.42 to allow paperwork to be signed and re-opened at 19.45
66-2019/20 Financial matters:
i. To approve the bank reconciliation statement for July and August 2019.
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Waddington carried UNANIMOUSLY
Bardney Group Parish Council
Bank Reconciliation for July 2019 as at 31.07.19
Balance as at 01.07.19 £96,519.54
Cemetery 680.00
Handyman 1054.05
Allotments 90.50
Total income £1824.55
Admin 5184.79
Salaries 3810.71
Handyman 532.17
Grasscutting 2087.06
Village 5.09
Total expenditure £11,619.94
Balance as at 31.07.19 £86,724.27
Less cheques
300899 E-Quip £46.42
300900 E-Quip £36.66
300901 E-Quip £171.79
300903 SAGE £195.60
300904 Skeet Print 238.00
300905 WLDC £405.84
300908 Viking £64.95
300910 Anglian Water £7.55
Bardney Group Parish Council
Bank Reconciliation for August 2019 as at 31.08.19
Balance as at 01.08.19 £86,724.27
Cemetery 79.00
Handyman 662.65
Total income £741.65
Admin 1478.86
Salaries 3800.19
Handyman 1073.09
Cemetery 7.55
Total expenditure £6359.74
Balance as at 31.08.19 £81106.17
Less cheques
300908 Viking £64.95 NB second month running
Payment Ratification August 2019 |
value |
% of budget* |
B/P |
Wages and NI |
June |
Salaries |
3810.71 |
0.00 |
3810.71 |
Total Office/Salaries |
54% of budget |
PO20537 |
Viking |
Litter picker |
Admin |
92.18 |
3.70 |
88.48 |
PO20539 |
Plusnet Support |
Data support |
Admin |
46.88 |
0 |
46.88 |
PO20549 |
Viking |
Envelope/pens |
Admin |
40.74 |
6.79 |
33.95 |
Total Admin |
179.80 |
63% of budget |
PO20536 |
Charles Hill |
Leaf Blower |
Handyman |
451.68 |
75.28 |
376.40 |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
13.91 |
2.32 |
11.59 |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
14.47 |
2.41 |
12.06 |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel + Card |
Handyman |
28.97 |
4.83 |
24.14 |
PO20542 |
Buildbase |
Locks |
Handyman |
47.47 |
7.91 |
39.56 |
PO20543 |
E-Quip |
Mole trap |
Handyman |
19.15 |
3.19 |
15.96 |
PO20544 |
E-Quip |
First Aid items |
Handyman |
31.50 |
5.26 |
26.24 |
PO20545 |
E-Quip |
Teak Oil |
Handyman |
15.72 |
2.62 |
13.10 |
PO20546 |
E-Quip |
Bearing & Bolts |
Handyman |
26.35 |
4.39 |
21.96 |
PO20547 |
E-Quip |
Drill Bits |
Handyman |
12.39 |
2.07 |
10.32 |
Total Handyman |
556.50 |
29% of budget |
PO20548 |
CR Hansard |
Moving Container |
Village |
552.00 |
92 |
460.00 |
Total Village |
552.00 |
11% of budget |
PO20529 |
Grasscutting |
Grasscutting |
2087.06 |
347.84 |
1739.22 |
Total Grasscutting |
2087.06 |
36% of budget* |
** carried over from 18/19 |
ii. To ratify payments of accounts, salaries, BACS payments & payments already made.
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Waddington carried UNANIMOUSLY
Payment Ratification September 2019 |
value |
% of budget* |
B/P |
Wages and NI |
June |
Salaries |
3893.89 |
0.00 |
3893.89 |
Total Office/Salaries |
63% of budget |
PO20557 |
PKF Littlejohn |
Audit |
Admin |
360 |
60.00 |
300.00 |
Total Admin |
360.00 |
67% of budget |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
14.28 |
2.38 |
11.90 |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
21.92 |
3.65 |
18.27 |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
14.69 |
2.45 |
12.24 |
PO20558 |
Equip |
Painting access |
Handyman |
21.62 |
3.61 |
18.01 |
PO20559 |
Equip |
Spade |
Handyman |
16.68 |
2.78 |
13.90 |
PO 20560 |
Equip |
Chisel and blades |
Handyman |
64.95 |
10.82 |
54.13 |
PO20561 |
Equip |
Cable & plug |
Handyman |
64.64 |
10.78 |
53.86 |
Total Handyman |
218.78 |
34% of budget |
PO20556 |
Nat.Allot. Soc |
Membership |
Cemetery |
66.00 |
11 |
55.00 |
Total Allotments |
66.00 |
3% of budget |
PO20563 |
Grasscutting |
Grasscutting |
2087.06 |
347.84 |
1739.22 |
Total Grasscutting |
2087.06 |
86% of budget* |
** carried over from 18/19 |
ii. Report received from the external auditor. No issues or comments made by the external auditor following the in-depth audit.
67-2019/20 Planning matters To note any approved applications received and to consider any planning applications and decide any comments that the Council wishes to make.
No objections
68-2019/20 To approve purchase of Poppy Wreaths.
Resolved to continue with the previous year’s wreaths
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Bradbury carried UNANIMOUSLY
69-2019/20 To approve security measures on the mobile unit and container.
Resolved to proceed with quotes for the necessary work.
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Waddington AGAINST Cllr Newlove
70-2019/20 To agree to switching on the Christmas lights with Bardney Scout group.
Resolved to involve all groups who wished to join the event.
71-2019/20 To nominate a councillor to represent BGPC on the LALC committee.
Resolved to nominate Cllr Shaw.
PROPOSED Cllr Darby SECONDED Cllr Bradbury carried UNANIMOUSLY
72-2019/20 To review Freedom of Information and publication scheme
Resolved re re-adopt the policy
PROPOSED Cllr Newlove SECONDED Cllr Waddington carried UNANIMOUSLY
73-2019/20 To receive report from Village Hall representative.
Verbal report given by Cllr Newlove, who advised that everything was ‘OK’ with the committee.
74-2019/20 To approve date of next meeting as 17th October 2019