September 2019 Addendum for EOM

Addendum for extra ordinary meeting
This document is not additional minutes. This purely shows the details from the meeting pack from the extraordinary meeting used to allow councillors to make their decisions.
Highways Meeting 9/7/19
Present: Cllr R Davis
Cllr C Lyndon Perraton-Williams
Cllr I Fleetwood
Cllr J Zubic
Cllr M Speed
Cllr S Zubic
Ben Atwood Highways
- Obtaining TRO's
If the Parish Council want a TRO then the request must go to Cllr I Fleetwood. This will then be considered by all statutory consultees including the Parish Council and if it is agreed then it will be added to Highways work programme.
- Highways and Planning
There is no requirement for Highways to upgrade a road if an area is being developed, the assumption is that the road will already be to the required standard. The only exceptions to this are if traffic flow will be impacted, this is a mathematical calculation about increased traffic (8 traffic movements per household) or if for example a drainage ditch is filled in as part of a development then Highways can ask that drainage is put in place, this only started 18 months ago.
- Horncastle Road junction outside Post Office
Agreed that the H line should be extended to allow a clearer line of site when turning out of Silver Street. This will be extended by 2 metres.
- Station Road outside Gun Shop and Cafe
Agreed double yellow lines outside the Gun Shop and Cafe would alleviate the pinch point on Station Road
- Wragby Road corner outside Butchers Shop and Nags Head pub
Agreed double yellow lines outside Butchers Shop and pub would make the area safer for motorists and pedestrians, especially as there is a car park at the Nags Head and it is illegal to park on a junction.
- Thomas Kitching Way
Agreed white lining on road to show that the road bends to the left would make the road safer following an accident
- Harvey Kent Gardens
This area was visited at school collection time however after walking the area it was agreed that any movement of traffic from Harvey Kent would increase the traffic on the main Road. The only suggestion would be to make the area resident parking only but it would be unlikely to alleviate the problems
- Abbey Road flooding outside new houses
It was agreed that there was an issue and if the planning permission had been granted now the houses would have been required to put in French drainage, however as planning permission was granted prior to the change and no houses were being flooded it would not be seen as a priority.
- If the agreed changes are agreed at full Council they will then go forward for full consultation and hopefully implementation on to the Highways forward plan.
Proposal for the Cemetery
Scheme of work
- Remove the Ivy hedge at the front next to Horncastle Road
- Remove the railings adjacent to the bowling green.
- Remove the railings adjacent the allotments.
- Re-site the removed railings along the front of the cemetery, next to Horncastle Road
- Install wooden slat post and rail fencing along the edge next to the bowling green.
- Install wooden slat post and rail fencing along the edge next to the allotments.
- Plant bare root hazel hedging alongside the post and rail fencing next to the bowling green.
- Plant bare root hazel hedging alongside the post and rail fencing next to the allotments.
Future work
- Replace the gate between the cemetery and the allotments.
Cemetery income 18/19 £3984
As per minute number 52-2019/20 it was agreed that 50% of the previous years income could be re-invested into the cemetery.
Leaving total £1992Predicted expenditure.
Hire of digger £180
Concrete posts (28 off @ £58) £1624
Postcrete (28 off @£4) £112
Nuts, bolts and washes £30
Wooden fencing (75m @ £20/m) £820
Assistance (24hrs @ £10/h) £240
Hedging (88m @ £2.4 bare route) £505Contingency (10%) £308
Total £3819
Cost £3819
Available funding £1992Shortfall £1827
Cemetery income for 19/20 YTD £2109
Predicted cemetery income £4000
Therefore required pull down from capital £1827Proposal for the Allotments
Scheme of work
- Create separate identities for the allotments and the Community land (choose name)
- Plant trees around the three edges of the ‘field’ to create a ‘walk’. For planting of trees, see minute 53-2019/2020.
- There must be a four meter gap between the dyke and hedges bordering the land to allow for maintenance of the land.
- Trees must be planted 10m apart to allow them to maximise height and to allow cutting in between.
- Wild meadow seed to be planted between the trees. A path is then to be cut in between the trees.
For items B & C the provision to supply is an application of;
Power to provide and manage recreation grounds, public walks, pleasure grounds and open spaces, Public Health Act 1875, s.164
Power to provide and contribute to a wide range of recreational facilities in or outside the council’s area, Local Govt (Miscellaneous provisions) Act 1976, s.19
Power to provide and maintain land for public recreation, Public Health Act 1875, s.164 - The gates are to be set back from the road by 10m. NB minutes over last 8 years confirm that it is agreed that gates are currently incorrectly sited and require moving for health and safety purposes. This will allow safe pull in, off the public highway for cars and trailers.
- Extra hardcore to be added to the two existing tracks. As tracks are grass tracks, are shown on maps as existing tracks and have proven to be effective, then no resurfacing required.
- Install fencing in the gaps created by moving the gates. Suggest using same wooden fencing as used in the cemetery.
- Plant up the community orchard. See item 12 minutes FCM meeting 20.08.2015.
- Hedging to be planted to outline the parking area, edge of the allotment and the community land. NB the car parking area is to be a grass car park, please see the email from the clerk dated 26.07.19. The provision to supply, is an application of;
Power to provide and maintain suitable off-road car parking places in the council’s area to relieve or prevent traffic congestion or to preserve local amenities, Road Traffic Regulation Act 1984, s.57 (1)(b)
- To link water to the mobile unit and dig a soak away.
Roll the 10 acres and lay grass seed. Create an area suitable for hosting leisure events.
For items B & C the provision to supply is an application of;
Power to provide and manage recreation grounds, public walks, pleasure grounds and open spaces, Public Health Act 1875, s.164
Power to provide and contribute to a wide range of recreational facilities in or outside the council’s area, Local Govt (Miscellaneous provisions) Act 1976, s.19
Power to provide and maintain land for public recreation, Public Health Act 1875, s.164Costings
Moving the gate posts
Hire of digger (@ £60 per day) £60
Postcrete (8 bags @ £4) £32
Fencing for gap (3 x 10m) £280Total £372
Wild meadow seed
Bulk buy 1kg £68
Community Orchard
Apple, Plum, Pear trees (10 off @ £70) £210
Tree guards, stakes and ties (30 off @ £1.12) £33.60
Total £243.60Hedging
Free trees via Woodland trust Grant 32m Free
Woodland trust 10m of hedging £50
Tree guards and ties (450 off @ £0.92) £414
Total £464Water and sewage
Hire of digger for one day £60Lay grass seed
10 acres @ £59 per bag £590