June 2019 Minutes

Minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 20th June 2019
Held at the Meeting Room, Bardney Fire Station, Alma Martin Way, Bardney, Lincoln LN3 5UA
Councillors Present: In Attendance:
Cllr R Webb Anna Lawson as
Cllr E Clee Clerk and RFO Cllr Luke Cluett Pauline Fry
Cllr B Newlove Admin Assistant
Cllr S Zubic Peter Waddington
Cllr J Zubic
Cllr M Corbould
Cllr M Speed
Meeting commenced at 7.00pm
No requests had been received by the Clerk for permission to record, video or take photos of the Council meeting, therefore the only recording which would take place was the one undertaken by the Parish Council themselves.
There were no questions raised from the public forum.
Meeting commenced at 7.05pm
17-2019/20 Apologies for Absence i.a.w. Local Government Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies received from Cllr Shaw, Cllr Darby and Cllr Bradbury
The Council observed a minute’s silence to remember David Howe who served as a councillor on Bardney Group Parish Council who had sadly passed away during May.
18-2019/20 To receive a report from the Chairman
Thanks had been received from Mrs Howe for the flowers sent to her on behalf of the Parish Council following the death of her husband.
The first copy of the Parish magazine had been published; thanks were given to Cllr Clee for all the work they had carried out on the magazine.
Cllr Clee thanked Cllr Corbould and Anna Lawson for all their help.
19-2019/20 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda item not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.
None received
20-2019/20 To receive and consider any dispensation requests on agenda items and decide whether they are to be granted.
None received
21-2019/20 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 16th May 2019 and to authorise the Chairman to sign official minutes.
Proposed Cllr Speed, Seconded Cllr J Zubic. Cllr Newlove abstained as he had been unable to read the minutes before the meeting. The remainder of the Councillors voted unanimously.
22-2019/20 To receive update on actions arisen at the 16th May 2019 meeting and report from the Clerk to the Council.
Clerk Report
- Earlier this week the grave digger drove his car onto the Cemetery and parked behind the Atlantic Cedar tree. He also laid a plank on the white marble headstone of the deceased wife. He was asked to remove it and refused to do so. The headstone has been marked as a result. The funeral director has been made aware.
- Held a good meeting with the tourist information team at WLDC. Agreed to actively promote our area on their websites. Also looking to create a noticeboard with areas of interest in our parishes.
- Problems with lack of support and information during flooding. Information from LCC and WLDC was scant. Actually flooding was reported to the Floodline and no action was taken. School busses did not turn up during flood which caused distress to those taking GCSE’s
- Report of memorial flowers being damaged in the cemetery. Unable to identify cause of the damage however BGPC replaced the item.
- Trophy from BGPC to be presented at the Bardney Dog Show next month.
- Dog warden. Issue with loose dog being allowed to wander in the Abbey Road area, complaints received. Details have been passed on the WLDC who are dealing with the matter.
- Office to be closed; afternoon 28th June, all day 2nd July, and all day 15th and 16th July
23-2019/20 Financial matters
- To approve the bank reconciliation statement for May 2019.
Proposed Cllr Clee, Seconded Cllr S Zubic, carried unanimously
- ratify payments of accounts, salaries, BACS payments & payments already made
Proposed Cllr Speed, Seconded Cllr Clee, carried unanimously
- Internal Auditors report
All councillors had seen report previous to meeting.
24-2019/20 Co-option of new Councillor
Peter Waddington was invited to join Bardney Group Parish Council.
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr Newlove, carried unanimously
The meeting was suspended at 7.35pm for Peter Waddington to sign the relevant forms.
The meeting recommenced at 7.41pm and Cllr Waddington joined the meeting.
25-2019/20 To appoint Cllr Clee as editor of Bardney Group Parish magazine
A discussion was held regarding the magazine and its content.
Cllr Webb informed the meeting that items regarding the Parish Council would need to be approved by the council prior to publication.
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr Speed, Cllr Newlove abstained because he had voted against publication of the magazine. The remainder of the Councillors voted unanimously.
26-2019/20 Planning Matters To note any approved applications received and to consider any planning applications and decide that the Council wishes to make.
The Clerk will make comment on these planing matters on behalf of the Council.
Cllr Webb mentioned a letter he had received regarding a planning application. The Clerk will follow this up.
27-2019/20 To consider reprentatives on the following committees;
A discussion was held regarding the roles and repsonsilbilites of people representing the Parish Council on the following local charities;
- Peter Hancock Trust
Cllr Speed agreed to be the Parish Council representative on this Trust.
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr Clee, carried unanimously.
- Kitching General Charity and Kitching Educational Trust
The Clerk had requested a report from the previous representatives but none had been received.
Previous representatives on this Trust did not want to continue. It was agreed that the Parish Council would not appoint anyone at this time, but may do so in the future.
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr Cllr Newlove, carried unanimously.
- Bardney Primary School
Representatives were no longer required on the Govening Body.
- Bardney Village Hall and Playing field Committee
Cllr Newlove agreed to represent the Parish Council on this committee
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr J Zubic, Cllr Newlove abstained, the remainder of the Councillors voted unanimously.
28-2019/20 Allocaion of Portfolios;
- Allotments/Community Orchard
Cllr Cluett agreed to continue to take responsibilty for this protfolio
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr J Zubic, carried unanimously
- Cemetery
Cllr Speed agreed to continue to take responsilbility for this portfolio
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr J Zubic, carried unanimously
- Highways and TRO
Cllr J Zubic agreed to continue to take responsibilty for this protfolio
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr Newlove, carried unanimously
- Road Safety
This would be dicsussed at the next meeting.
- Risk assessments
Deferred to next meeting
Cllr Cluett raised the portfolio for Twinning. This would be dicsussed at the next meeting.
29-2019/20 Formally appoint Ward Representatives
Cllr Corbould would represent Apley and Stainfield
Cllr Darby would represent Southrey
30-2019/20 To consider procedures and policies following Personnel and Review Committee meeting on 07.06.19
Cllr S Zubic highlighted any changes or amendments that had been made to the policies.
- Terms of Reference
Proposed Cllr S Zubic, Seconded Cllr Webb, carried unanimously
- Disciplinary Policy
Proposed Cllr S Zubic, Seconded Cllr Webb, carried unanimously
- Grievance Policy
Proposed Cllr S Zubic, Seconded Cllr Webb, carried unanimously
- Employee Training Application
Proposed Cllr S Zubic, Seconded Cllr Webb, carried unanimously
- Councillor Training Application
Proposed Cllr S Zubic, Seconded Cllr Webb, carried unanimously
- Councillor Chat
Proposed Cllr S Zubic, Seconded Cllr Webb, carried unanimously
Propose to suspend Standing Orders of 2 hour meeting limit
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr J Zubic, carried unanimiously
31-2019/20 To consider not allowing burials on Monday
Cllr Webb requested that the Clerk contact ICCM to obtain guidelines before making a decsion.
32-2019/20 To resolve to move mobile unit located on the playing field and purchase a second unit
Following a discussion regarding the units it was agreed that one be moved and to purchase a second.
Proposed Cllr Webb, Seconded Cllr Speed. Cllrs Newlove and Waddington abstained. The remaining councillors voted to agree with resolution.
33-2019/20 Central Lincolnshire Local Plan Review
Clerk will write a review of the report for Councillors to read before next full Council meeting
34-2019/20 Request for Traffic Restriction Order for Harvey Kent Gardens. Potential requirement to address parking problems.
Council are unable to carry this out until clairifaction is received on how this should be done. This will be discused once this has been established.
35-2019/20 Lincolnshire East CCG. To report on recent action by Lincolnshire East CCG.
CCG have requested that the council mointor and report back to see if there have been any improvments to the provision provided by the Doctor’s Surgery.
36-2019/20 To consider taking part in acitivities to commemorate VE day in 2020.
Proposed Cllr Webb, no seconder received, resolution not carried.
37-2019/20 To consider quotes for the purchase of a leaf blower for the Handyman.
Cllr J Zubic to obtain further quotes as it was felt a cheaper leaf blower could be purchased. To be discussed at next full council meeting.
38-2019/20 Confirm date of next Parish Council meeting as Thursday 25th July 2019.
Meeting closed at 9.39pm