May 2019 Minutes

Minutes from the Annual Meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 16th May 2019
Held at the Meeting Room, Bardney Fire Station, Alma Martin Way, Bardney, Lincoln LN3 5UA
Councillors Present: In Attendance:
Cllr R Webb Anna Lawson as
Cllr Shaw Clerk and RFO
Cllr Luke Cluett Pauline Fry
Cllr B Newlove Admin Assistant
Cllr S Zubic DC and CC
Cllr R Darby I Fleetwood
Cllr E Clee One member of the public
Cllr M Corbould
Cllr M Speed
Meeting commenced at 7.00pm
No requests had been received by the Clerk for permission to record, video or take photos of the Council meeting, therefore the only recording which would take place was the one undertaken by the Parish Council themselves.
01-2019/20 Election of Chair To elect the Chair of the Council for the forthcoming year 2019-2020. To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of the Office
Cllr M Corbould nominated Cllr Webb to continue as Chairman for the coming year.
Before Cllr Webb accepted the nomination, he informed the meeting of the issues he would like to address in the coming year, if he were to become Chairman.
Cllr S Zubic was concerned about continuity and asked for assurance that, if elected, Cllr Webb would not stand down after a short period if the issues were not being resolved to his satisfaction, he confirmed he would stand for the year.
Cllr Clee asked if there was anyone else willing to stand, no nominations were received.
PROPOSED Cllr Corbould SECONDED Cllr Speed. Cllr Newlove ABSTAINED; the REMAINING Councillors voted in favour.
Cllr Newlove informed the Chairman that he had abstained because of the comments made by the Chairman. Cllr Newlove agreed with what Cllr Webb had said previously but was concerned with some of the other comments he had made. He offered to nominate himself for the position of Chairman so that Councillors had someone else to vote for if they wished, this would mean that Councillors did not vote for Councillor Webb because there was no one else. This was not able to happen as the vote for nominations for the position of Chairman had already been taken.
The meeting was adjourned at 7.17pm to allow the Chair to sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The meeting recommenced at 7.19pm
02-2019-2020 Election of Vice-Chair To elect the Vice-Chair of the Council for the coming year 2019-2020. To receive the Vice-Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Shaw nominated Cllr Darby
Cllr Clee nominated Cllr S Zubic
Both councillors were willing to stand as Vice-Chair. Both candidates were happy to have a show of hands for voting.
Cllr Darby – NOMINATED by Cllr Shaw, SECONDED by Cllr Darby. Cllrs Speed, Corbould and Newlove voted for Cllr Darby.
Cllr S Zubic - NOMINATED by Cllr Clee, SECONDED by Cllr S Zubic. Cllr Cluett voted for Cllr S Zubic.
Cllr Darby was duly elected as Vice-Chairman.
The meeting was adjourned at 7.25pm for Cllr Darby to sign his Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
The meeting recommenced at 7.26pm
03-2019-2020 Public Forum
There were no comments or issues raised from the members of public.
Cllr Webb gave Cllr Fleetwood a letter containing questions, relating to local matters, that the Council would like him to respond to by the next meeting. This method of obtaining information from LCC had been suggested by the Internal Auditor.
Cllr Darby queried if we had received an answer to his question raised at the last Council meeting. The information had been received.
Cllr S Zubic raised a query regarding the road to Fiskerton and the fact that holes had been filled with stones, this had then left loose stones over the carriageway. Would these be removed?
Cllr Fleetwood had contacted the LCC regarding the stone. The stone had been put on the side of the carriageway; he was unaware that this work was going to be carried out. The County Council had been out to compact the stones but the problem still existed. He had been told that there were no plans to replace the stones with a solid surface and he assumed the stones would be compacted again.
Cllr Webb asked that questions for Cllr Fleetwood by emailed to the Clerk so they could be forwarded to Cllr Fleetwood prior to the meeting, to allow him time to gather information to enable him to answer the questions sent to him.
04-2019/2020 Apologies for Absence To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the clerk prior to the meeting.
Apologies received and accepted from Cllr J Zubic.
05-2019/2020 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.
None received
06-2019/2020 To receive and consider any dispensation requests on agenda items and decide whether they are to be granted.
None received
07-2019/2020 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 18th April 2019 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.
PROPOSED by Cllr S Zubic SECONDED by Cllr Darby, Cllr Speed abstained as he was not at the meeting, the remainder of the Councillors voted UNANIMOUSLY to accept the minutes.
08-2019-2020 To receive a report from the Chairman.
No report received from the Chairman
09-2019-2020 To receive and consider a report from the Clerk to the Council on any outstanding matters and correspondence received since the meeting held on 18th April 2019.
Update from last meeting;
- Lone working policy is now on website - all policy documents are now on the website.
- Meeting with Wragby to discuss Risk Assessment and COSHH requirements.
- Still looking into icloud/hard drive options for back up.
- No written requests to record the meeting.
Clerks report
- Railing on the village green has been installed.
- Issue at the Cemetery on Monday a) funeral booked b) H&S breach
- EA confirm that the situation of effluent in the dyke is getting worse. EA having difficulty accessing man holes. LCC Bridge team are assisting.
- LCC have adopted the large verge on Horncastle Rd from Chestnut Homes. Cost implications to BGPC due to additional cutting required.
- Held meeting with EA, ELDC and RC
- Held second part of internal audit - passed with no issues or queries raised.
- Training. Assistant attended Minutes and New Clerks Training. Clerk attended VAT
- Community Magazine launched, good response.
- Transport Regulation order (TRO) has been requested by a resident on Harvey Kent Gardens will be agenda item in June.
- Handyman busy doing work with Heighington however due to come to an end until the bridge re-opens. Horsington PC has also requested he work with them.
- Street cleaner was in operation on Sunday. Very well received, thanks received from parishioners and have also sent thanks to the WLDC operative.
- Insurance renewal has just been received from Came and Company. Completed extensive analysis of insurance requirements, appears that prices have reduced.
- Request from Stainfield resident for painting the phone box, grass cutting and other issues.
- Meeting planned with Tourist Information for later this month, to put our area on the map.
- LALC network training day in July. Highly encourage cllrs to keep up to date with current legislation and best practice.
- Between June and October going to do costing exercise for future grass cutting for the area.
Questions for Cllr Ian Fleetwood;
- The definitive map. As LCC stopped cutting the grass in Southrey Woods due to the classification on the definitive map, BGPC would like a report about any potential future issues in our area. This would allow for BGPC to consider the cost implications of any changes.
- BGPC were not made aware of LCC adopting the verge relating to phase 1, Chestnut Homes. Can you advise as to when you envisage legal steps will commence regarding the adoption of Phase 2 Chestnut Homes?
Cllr Webb would like a blanket ban on Contractors working in the cemetery on the days that a funeral had been arranged. The Clerk will inform the grass cutters and a meeting will be arranged with the Chair of Bardney Cemetery Improvement Group to discuss the matter.
10 – 2019-2020 Financial Matters
- To approve bank reconciliation statement for April 2019
PROPOSED by Cllr Shaw, SECONDED by Cllr Clee, carried UNANIMOUSLY
- To ratify payments of accounts, salaries, BACS payments & payments already made.
PROPOSED by Cllr Speed, SECONDED by Cllr S Zubic, carried UNANIMOUSLY
- To approve signatories for bank accounts
The Clerk will resubmit Cllr Zubic to the bank to become signatory.
PROPOSED by Cllr Shaw, SECONDED by Cllr Clee, carried UNANIMOUSLY
To ensure compliance with external audit requirements
- To consider AGAR Section 1 Annual Governance Statement
These were read out by the Clerk and all statements were;
PROPOSED by Cllr Darby, SECONDED by Cllr Shaw, carried UNANIMOUSLY
Internal control objectives for BGPC |
Proof |
3. We took all reasonable steps to assure ourselves that there are no matters of actual or potential non-compliance with laws, regulations and Proper practices that could have a significant financial effect on the ability of this authority to conduct its business or manage its finances. |
4. We provided proper opportunity during the year for the exercise of elector’s rights in accordance with the requirements of the Accounting and Audit regulations. |
5. We carried out an assessment of the risks facing this authority and took appropriate steps to manage those risks, including the introduction of internal controls and/or external insurance cover where necessary. |
6. We maintained throughout the year an adequate and effective system of internal audit of the accounting records and control systems |
7. We took appropriate action on all matters raised in reports from internal and external audit. |
8. We considered whether any litigation, liabilities or commitments, events or transactions, occurring either during or after the year end have a financial impact on this authority and, where appropriate, have included them in the accounting statements. |
- To approve AGAR Accounting Statements by resolution
PROPOSED by Cllr Webb, SECONDED by Cllr Darby, carried UNANIMOUSLY