November 2019 Minutes

Minutes from the meeting of the Parish Council on Thursday 21st November 2019.
Held at the Meeting Room, Bardney Fire Station, Alma Martin Way, Bardney, Lincoln LN3 5UA
Councillors Present:
Cllr Webb - Chairman Anna Lawson -Clerk and RFO
Cllr Corbould Pauline Fry - Administrative Assistant
Cllr Clee
Cllr Cluett
Cllr Waddington
Cllr Darby - Vice Chair
Cllr Bradbury
Cllr Shaw – arrived at 7.20pm
Public session of the meeting commenced at 7.00pm
Two members of the public attended the meeting to observe.
Question asked regarding becoming a member of the Parish Council.
Five vacancies at the moment.
Complete necessary paperwork, short statement on why you would like to join the Parish Council. This will be discussed at Full Council Meeting and then, if Councillors support application, the person will be co-opted on to the Council.
No requests had been received by the Clerk for permission to record, video or take photos of the Council meeting, therefore the only recording which would take place was the one undertaken by the Parish Council themselves.
The meeting commenced at 7.05pm
91-2019/20 Apologies for Absence. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
None received
92-2019/20 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.
None received
93-2019/20 To receive and consider any dispensation requests on agenda items and decide whether they are to be granted.
No dispensation requests received.
Cllr Shaw at a later point in the meeting requested dispensation on a planning matter, this was agreed by council.
94-2019/20 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 17th October 2019. To authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.
PROPOSED Cllr Corbould SECONDED Cllr Bradbury CARRIED unanimously
95-2019/20 To receive and consider a report from the Chairman of the Council.
Thank you to those who supported The Remembrance Day services in the village on Sunday and Monday.
If you have agreed to represent the Council at an event please make sure you attend or ask someone to replace you.
The Council are looking at extending the grass cutting contract for another year. Next year the Handyman and Councillors will be involved in a number of projects in the Cemetery and the Community Orchard. This was agreed by all Councillors.
Meetings continue with Chestnut Homes and Station Road residents.
Flooding has been a major issue in the area, the Parish Office has received no information. A meeting has been arranged with neighbouring parishes to discuss flooding issues and what can be done collectively in the future to ensure that information on flooding received by the Parish Office will be shared with local residents and businesses.
Over the past months, BGPC have written to Cllr Fleetwood raising questions to which no response has been received. Cllr Fleetwood has also stopped attending Council meetings, because of this Cllr Webb will be writing to the Monitoring Officer with regards to the situation as it is felt that it is affecting how the Council is able to operate.
BGPC have purchased sandbags which will be stored at a local business, these are for use by local residents and businesses when needed.
Road safety measures proposed by Cllr Davies and Cllr Fleetwood have not been put in place. The Clerk will contact LCC again. Information regarding the road safety measures which have been agreed by Councillor Davies will be made available on line and a paper copy will be placed in the post office.
Cllr Webb has asked that the Clerk send a copy of Members Code of Conduct and Councillor/Employee Protocol to all Councillors.
Cllr Webb will be referring Cllr Newlove to the Monitoring Officer.
96-2019/20 To receive and consider a report from the Clerk to the Council on any outstanding matters and correspondence received since the meeting of 17th October 2019.
Flooding on the bottom part of the allotment field/Community land. Several complaints received (more than for the extensive flooding elsewhere in our area). Claims that it was blocked by a loose bail of straw have proven to be incorrect. It appears to be a natural occurrence simply due to excess rainfall and the topography of the land.
Problem at the Cemetery today (21.11.19). Discovered a grave digger digging the plot two hours earlier than agreed timeframe. When questioned he was rude and abusive towards staff. Have checked the emails and BGPC has always asked Funeral Directors for details as to when grave diggers will be attending and have drawn attention towards the T&C’s.
Serious flooding- very concerned regarding the lack of information and support from the EA, LCC and WLDC. Have been in contact with Parish Councils both regionally and nationally, all of whom confirm that they have received significant support. Are meeting with Fiskerton and Langworth PC’s to discover why support has been so poor when those outside WLDC have been supported. Other PC’s have asked to join. Interested that the MP can turn up twice and yet no support (or sandbags) provided.
The road between Short Ferry and Bardney will probably be damaged once the water subsides and this is a major issue. A) timeframe for repairs and b) current traffic problems including traffic travelling via Stainfield.
Flooding has also created debris at the side of Wragby Road, between Tilehurst Bridge and Mincepie Cottage. WLDC have agreed to deal with this.
Office rent. As you know the office is blighted with a loud buzzing noise when the central heating is switched on, so Vinci, acting on behalf of LCC have switched the central heating off. Therefore, as BGPC has been raising the issue for the last 12 months without success it is proposed that 25% of the rent is withheld.
Parking on Harvey Kent Gardens. There have been repeated complaints from residents over parking on HKG due to the school. The chair of Governors has been contacted asking for them to take actions as several residents report that the major culprits are the teachers. The school has been back in contact requesting a meeting with BGPC and LCC Highways (which we know they won’t attend). Have agreed to have a meeting shortly and bring representatives from local residents.
Issues on Chestnut Homes. Two incidents on separate weekends. BGPC has worked with WLDC EP/ACIS and the Police to address the problems. NB comments made social media regarding reporting and lack of response inaccurate.
Flooding. Have concerns about risk of flooding. Ruskington and Potterhanworth both have flooding and both PC’s have voiced concerns about the lack of support from LCC and Highways. Should BGPC purchase filled sand bags?
97-2019/20 Financial matters:
- To approve the bank reconciliation statement for October 2019.
Bardney Group Parish Council
Bank Reconciliation for October 2019 as at 31.10.19
Balance as at 01.10.19 £77,096.71
Handyman 1109.33
Total income £1109.33
Admin 937.34
Salaries 3684.34
Handyman 431.54
Allotments 180.00
Grasscutting 4174.12
Cemetery 17.60
Village 5.15
Total expenditure £9430.09
Balance as at 31.10.19 £68775.95
PROPOSED by Cllr Speed SECONDED by Cllr Waddington CARRIED unanimously
- To ratify payments of accounts, salaries, BACS payments & payments already made.
value |
% of budget* |
B/P |
Wages and NI |
November |
Salaries |
3684.34 |
0.00 |
3684.34 |
Total Office/Salaries |
83% of budget |
PO20579 |
Conference |
Admin |
48 |
8.00 |
40.00 |
PO20583 |
Rent |
Admin |
1920 |
0.00 |
1920.00 |
* |
Total Admin |
1968.00 |
96% of budget |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
10.98 |
1.83 |
9.15 |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
14.45 |
2.41 |
12.04 |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
6.77 |
1.13 |
5.64 |
DD |
Fuelcard |
Fuel |
Handyman |
11.02 |
1.84 |
9.18 |
PO20590 |
Equip |
Padlocks |
Handyman |
101.40 |
16.90 |
84.50 |
PO20560 |
Equip |
Work boots |
Handyman |
83.17 |
2.90 |
80.27 |
PO 20580 |
Charles Hill |
Blades |
Handyman |
124.42 |
20.74 |
103.68 |
PO20585 |
Green stripe |
Leaf blower & |
Handyman |
1350.00 |
225.00 |
1125.00 |
Total Handyman |
1702.21 |
77% of budget |
PO20588 |
Ian Deaton |
orchard stakes |
Allotments |
135.00 |
27 |
108.00 |
Total Allotments |
135.00 |
22% of budget |
PO20568 |
Poppy wreaths |
86.00 |
0 |
86.00 |
Total s137 |
86.00 |
98% of budget* |
** carried over from 18/19 |
* 10% knocked off the bill as no central heating or hot water. |
PROPOSED by Cllr Corbould SECONDED by Cllr Speed CARRIED unanimously
98-2019/20 Planning matters To note any approved applications received and to consider any planning applications and decide any comments that the Council wishes to make.
The Council did not wish to make any comments on the planning applications bought to the meeting.
99-2019/20 Budget To consider the draft budget for 2020/2021
Proposed budget 2020/2021 |
Budget Heading |
Budget |
Proposed |
2019/2020 |
Revised Budget |
Salaries |
35 |
38 |
*to allow for additional cost for change to |
pay scales |
Includes offset from subcontract |
Admin |
9 |
10 |
(Office) |
Village |
4 |
2 |
Allotments |
3 |
1 |
* ring fenced |
Community land |
2 |
Highways |
5 |
3 |
Grasscutting |
17 |
6.5 |
Grants |
2 |
2 |
Grant S137 |
0.5 |
0.5 |
Cemetery |
3 |
4 |
* ring fenced |
Events |
0.5 |
0.5 |
H & S |
0.5 |
0.5 |
Councillor training |
0.3 |
0.3 |
Staff training |
0.3 |
0.3 |
Handyman Maintenance |
4.5 |
4.5 |
Handyman Equipment |
12 |
* one off purchase due to moving inhouse |
Pension |
0 |
0 |
Total |
84.6 |
87.1 |
In addition |
Precept received |
58034 |
(incl grants and donation WLDC) |
Carry over from 19/20 |
50100 |
Total as at 01.04.20 |
108134 |
Minus |
Proposed revised budget |
87100.00 |
Ring fenced operating cost |
21150.00 |
(3 months) |
Contingency |
0.00 |
Expenditure total |
-116 |
Remainder |
0.00 |
NB The Handyman equipment expenditure is a one off |
and will allow cost savings for future years |
PROPOSED by Cllr Webb SECONDED by Cllr Cllr Speed CARRIED unanimously
100-2019/20 General Power of Competency To confirm eligibility to adopt General Power of Competence (GPC).
PROPOSED by Cllr Webb SECONDED by Cllr Darby CARRIED unanimously
101-2019/20 Costing of Apprentice/additional Handyman To discuss and approve the employing of an additional person to assist handyman with maintenance in the villages.
This item is deferred until March/April 2020
102-2019/20 Bardney Cemetery To discuss and resolve the offer made to the family affected by the pinch point in the cemetery to buy back the 2 plots at the original purchase price.
PROPOSED by Cllr Speed SECONDED by Cllr Clee CARRIED unanimously
103-2019/20 To consider purchasing further spring bulbs for the entrance to the villages. Proposal from Cllr Cluett.
Budget of £100 suggested
PROPOSED by Cllr Cluett SECONDED by Cllr Clee CARRIED unanimously
104-2019/20 To receive update on progress on the development of the Community Land. To receive report and costing from Cllr Cluett
All trees, supports and tree guards have been ordered. Planting to start next week.
105-2019/20 To receive update on progress on the improvement of the Cemetery fencing. To receive report and costings from Cllr Speed.
Handyman is unable to take the hedge out; quotes will need to be obtained for this.
Grass cuttings from playing have been placed against the wooden fence, this will cause it to rot. Clerk to request playing field handyman to remove it.
106-2019/20 To receive update on the Land Research To receive a report from Cllr Waddington. Item carried forward from FCM October 2019.
Cllr Waddington has completed the land research. Clarification on two parcels of land were discussed on who owned them.
107-2019/20 To receive update on concerns raised by residents Station Rd. To receive report from Cllr Webb.
Residents meeting held; a further meeting has been arranged in January. Recommendation from solicitor not to proceed with legal action. Monitoring equipment to be purchased. The resident’s group will be run separately from the Parish Council, but help and support will be given.
108-2019/20 To receive update on road closures caused by the Eastern Bypass. To receive report from Cllr Darby.
The information given out about the meeting was that it was a drop-in session when in fact it was a presentation. The contractors were in attendance. An update on progress and difficulties that they are encountering were given. Once all the infrastructure is in place Hawthorn Road will closed in December, permanently. Cllr Darby raised the problem of the damage to roads on diversion routes in operation whilst the by – pass was being constructed. There has been no money set aside to make good the roads. This will have to be addressed by the Parish Council when the by pass is complete and new budgets are in place.
109-2019/20 Office Printer To approve disposal of office printer as it is no longer working.
Approval given
110-2019/20 Establishment – to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following matters PROPOSED by Cllr Webb SECONDED by Cllr Darby CARRIED unanimously
111-2019/20 To consider annual awards
After a short discussion this item has been deferred until January 2020.
112 -2019/20 To approve date and time of next meeting as 16th January 2020 at 7.00pm
Approval given
Meeting closed at 9.10pm