October 2023 Minutes

Bardney Group Parish Council
Minutes from the Full Council Meeting
Bardney Village Hall Tuesday 17th October 2023 at 7pm
Cllr Ian Fleetwood (Chair) |
Cllr Michael McIlroy |
Cllr Frank Bates |
Cllr Barry Newlove |
Cllr Lynne Newlove |
Cllr Barry Percival |
Cllr Robin Darby |
Cllr Lou Reeves |
Cllr Brian Lintin |
Cllr Samantha Wright |
Cllr Ken Hutchinson Cllr Lynne Newlove Clerk/RFO Angela Smith
Cllr Ruth Lane Cllr John Papworth (Vice-Chair) |
Cllr Mary Corbould
Members of the Public
Eight members of the public were present
Meeting commenced at 7pm
The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.
The public forum was invited to commence:
A summary of matters raised by members of the public and responses are listed below:
- A member of the public stated they had been in contact with War memorial governing body and they had stated that Bardney War Memorial was a grade 2 listed building and should not be cleaned by the handyman as stated in the handyman’s job description.
- A member of the public asked why there were missing items from the minutes dated
19th September 2023. Chair apologised for this as he thought the meeting was being recorded, unfortunately the recording failed. The Chair prepared the minutes and the following day and asked 3 Councillors to verify the minutes.
- A member of the public raised a question regarding the Chair’s attendance at the
P and R Committee meeting. The Chair advised he was there by invitation of the Committee to take the minutes and attended as ex-officio.
- A member of the public feels the short comings of the previous council, shown in the LALC report, is overshadowing the present Parish Council. There were several questions in the LALC report that have not been addressed and asked if they could use the freedom of information act to obtain such information. The Chair advised that the member of the public can submit a FOI request and that it would be acted upon. However, further on in the agenda there is an item to receive and resolve any comments from external organisations regarding the LALC report, agenda item 193-23/24.
- A member of the public asked a question addressed to the previous Chair. He was asked
“Why he could not comment on cheques paid out for solicitor’s fees stating it was a confidential matter”. If the ex-Chair continued to refuse to answer the question could any of the previous Councillors provide an answer? The current Chair stated that there may be further comment regarding this when the Committee discussed the LALC report later in the evening.
- A member of the public mentioned that the Village Green wall was looking untidy & required professional cleaning. The Chair advised that the process of cleaning is ongoing and will be ready for Remembrance Sunday – the wall is already better than it was.
178-23/24 Apologies for Absence
To receive and accept apologies where a valid reason for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting in accordance with Local Gov. Act 1972, Sch 12, para 40.
Apologies for absence were received from Cllr Mary Corbould which were accepted.
179-23/24 Declarations of interest
There were no declarations of interest recorded for the meeting.
180-23/24 To Approve Previous Minutes
Approved as correct record the notes of the Full Council Meeting held on the 19th September 2023, and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes. Cllr Darby suggested that the minutes were incomplete – he continued to state that there should be comments about the Co-option Policy made by a member of the public – this was not supported by the Committee. Cllr Darby questioned why the new Councillor was adopted in Closed Session and not the Open Session. The Chair stated that Cllr Darby had been present in both Sessions, that after checking with LALC it had been an error and should have been part of the Open Session, but the item had been debated and minuted in the Closed Session with the result recorded in both sets of Draft Notes/ Draft Minutes. The Councillor had signed their declarations as required and advice had been taken today during a training session with the result that the Co-opted Councillors position was acceptable. Cllr Darby continued with a comment regarding if the Confidential Minutes had been shown to the LALC person during the Governance review. The Chair confirmed that the LALC person had been shown the paper trail obtained from the Solicitors regarding the review. Cllr Darby then continued with items 6 & 10 stating that they were confused – he continued to state that it should have referenced a phone call made by a former Clerk to the Solicitor. The Chair responded by saying that he did not know that the former Cleek had made a phone call. Cllr Darby alluded to the fact that a member of the public had stated that in their previous question. Cllr Darby then referred to Minute 162 which he regards as incomplete because he felt that it should be recorded as what DVLA had been asked regarding the ride-on mower legality and what statute or legislation was being used. The Chair stated that he would respond to this later in the meeting under Correspondence. Cllr Darby then referred to Minute 171 and the costs of the waterproof sockets, but that the work needed to be carried out professionally and that the Council had not agreed a budget or for the work to be carried out. The Chair responded by stating that he would refer to this under Correspondence later in the evening, but continued to state that at a previous meeting the Council had agreed to a budget of £250 to resolve the electrics and propellor issue on the Village Green. Cllr Fleetwood PROPOSED the Minutes be adopted and approved which was SECONDED by Cllr B Newlove and clearly carried.
181-23/24 Comments from Lincolnshire Police and District/County Councillor
No comments from Lincolnshire Police.
District/County Councillor Fleetwood advised the rusty dog bin on Abbey Road has now been replaced. The hedge which obscured the Stanfield sign has now been trimmed back by himself and the sign is now visible. The District Councillor was pleased to report that the Chair of West Lindsey District Council, Cllr Stephen Bunny, will be visiting the Manor Walled Garden and the Heritage Centre in Bardney on Thursday that week.
County Councillor Fleetwood also stated that Devolution is being discussed at a national level which may result to discussions in Lincolnshire but it was early days and very little information to date.
Cllr Darby asked with regard to the demolition of the Lincs Gran club and that it was a shock to some Parishioners whether the demolition had been carried our correctly. District Councillor Fleetwood stated that as far as he was aware West Lindsey District Council were not involved and if there were any issues they would have been taken up by the Health and Safety Executive. District Councillor Fleetwood also advised no permission was needed to demolish the building.
Cllr Darby then asked for an update on the Causeway. County Councillor Fleetwood advised that the latest information available to him regarding the Causeway would not be closed for repairs in November as previously reported and the next suggested date would be February 2024.
182-23/24 Chair’s Report
The Chair stated that much of what he had to say would normally be in the Clerk’s report but this month he would make the comments due to the Clerk’s recent start. The Chair thanked Councillors for providing help and assistance in the Parish Office over the last month, and also to the volunteers carrying out projects around the village including tidying the hedge up on the playing field near the Cemetery and a litter pick in the village centre.
The Chair continued to state that in the Finance report there was a sum of £200 interest which had been accrued as a result of transferring a large balance of Parish money into the savings account since May, which all provides extra resources to the Council.
The Council has also received various items from a member of the public regards Twinning and 9 Squadron memorabilia. When the new Parish Office is finished many of these items will go on display, and he wished to thank the donors.
The Chair also reminded Councillors that it had previously been agreed by Council to buy a new laptop for the Clerk, and this would be done in this week.
With regard to Remembrance Sunday road closure in Bardney had now been permitted and will be in place on the day. Discussions had been held regarding Wreath laying and Stainfield will be laid by Cllr Mary Corbould, Southrey Cllr Michael McIlroy, and Bardney Cllr Ian Fleetwood.
The website has been updated by LALC and the Chair has also spent a lot of time putting information on it, but there is still more content to be added which will be done by the Chair because the LALC time had virtually been spent already – a member of the public had commented the website had visited the Office and stated more information was required.
The lifebuoy on the riverbank has gone missing and will be replaced by the Parish Council.
Finally, the Chair has received a letter of resignation from Cllr Samantha Wright as Chair of the P and R Committee. Cllr Wright will remain as a Councillor on the Parish Council and the Chair thanked her for her contribution.
183-23/24 Clerk’s Report
The Clerk reported that she had been in the position for just over 2 week and is enjoying the work and training. A Training Register is now being maintained of staff and Councillors attending training courses – Councillors are being regularly updated with opportunities.
To consider and agree courses of action for the following:
Planning Matters
184-23/24 To consider planning and agree courses of action
147315: Request for confirmation of compliance with condition 5 of planning permission 146393 granted 25 May 2023 - Top Farm, Short Ferry Road, Stainfield, Market Rasen, Lincolnshire, LN8 5JL
No comments were offered.
Attention was also brought to the meeting of 147396 94 Station Road Planning application for proposed side extensions and detached single garage, being variation of condition 2 of planning permission 144594 granted 22 June 2022 - amended plans for attached garage and gym. This application had arrived in the last few days and Councillors were encouraged to view the details on West Lindsey District Council’s website and report their personal comments directly to WLDC if they had any or bring them back to the Parish Council so an additional meeting could be called to discuss the application. No comments were made.
185-23/24 To ratify the payments for September 2023, note the receipts and to approve the list of payments to be made for October 2023
Ratifying payments from September 2023 note the receipts and approve list of payments to be made for October 2023 – the format was different from before because the Council are now using EasyPC Accounting software and there is clearly more information visible to Councillors. The Chair offered all Councillors the opportunity to view the system in the Office if they wished. PROPOSED by Cllr Fleetwood and SECONDED by Cllr Reeves with a unanimous vote.
186-23/24 To approve the Bank Reconciliation Statement as at 30th September 2023
Approved bank reconciliation statement as of 30th September 2023. Cllr Darby suggested that staff salaries be amalgamated in the future. The Chair agreed that all staff data would be made anonymous. PROPOSED by Cllr Fleetwood and SECONDED by Cllr Reeves with a unanimous vote.
187-23/24 To receive an update on Insurance Cover and agree any courses of action – cyber cover
The Cyber Insurance deferred from the last meeting now has 3 quotes received. A summary was offered to the meeting, Cllr Lane PROPOSED deferral so that the individual quotes could be viewed by Councillors democratically. The Chair reminded the meeting that this was one of the LALC recommendations. The deferral was SECONDED by Cllr Reeves and there was a clear majority.
188-23/24 Correspondence
The Scout’s Group would like to make decorations for this year’s Christmas Tree. The Chair stated he was happy with the request. Cllr Laughton asked about Health and Safety issues and the Chair stated that the staff and Councillors would fit the decorations to the tree. The Committee agreed to the request which was PROPOSED by Cllr Lane and SECONDED by Cllr Reeves.
An email has been received from Councillor Darby, and this had been mentioned earlier in the meeting when resolving the Minutes:
Can you please confirm when the Councillor Co-option Policy was
suspended during the 12 September Meeting?
Can you provide me with the information provided by the DVLA
regarding the ride-on mower? My question was what guidance,
legislation, or code was being used to ensure the mower complied with
legislation. That question was not answered.
With regard to the recovery of deleted e-mails. Can you confirm why
the e-mails need to be recovered, and what advice you have received
with regard to the legal position and General Data Protection
Regulation to protect councillors and parishioners personal data?
Can you advise when the reports for authorisation of work and budgets
for works to be carried out in the cemetery will be an agenda item?
Can you provide me with a copy of the recording of the conversation
regarding the status of the office took place. I would also like to
challenge the minutes on this matter, Cllr Papworth and Cllr
Hutchinson were present when the conversation took place, but they
were not present at the last meeting to confirm the contents of that
Can you provide me with a copy of the communication you have received
regarding the status, ownership, and access to electrical junction
box on the Village Green? I do not believe that the council
receiving a bill for electricity used from the junction box
constitutes any type of permission access to the junction box, and
allows work and modifications to be carried out. I believe this work
may leave the council liable for any damage caused to other equipment
in the junction box.
Can you provide me with a copy of the risk assessments that were
carried out prior to the work being undertaken. The work should have
been assessed to determine risk as a general principle. But as the
junction box contains lethal voltages then the risk assessment should
have taken this into consideration. Can you confirm which competent
person has carried out and sign-off the work carried out to repair
the timer on the green, and provided the Electrical Safety
Certificate in accordance with IET Wiring Regulations, Eighteenth
Edition, BS 7671:2018+A2:2022. Also, the new sockets were agreed to
be purchased, but whom is going to fit them to satisfy BS 7671 18th
edition requirement.
The Chair stated that there were many points but the first question had been answered already, the Council are still awaiting the paperwork back from DVLA with regard to the mower, the deleted emails were agreed at Council to be recovered and the reason was to try to put together information trails with regard to how decisions had been made by the previous Council – there was very little information available from within the Office. This was done to help the Council move forwards.
A Cemetery meeting is due to be organised to resolve any issues there.
With regard the minutes and a recording it was stated that not all meetings are recorded and that there would be a direct response to the Councillor.
The Electrical box on the Village Green has outstanding items to provide the full information trail but would be responded to when that information is available.
The Chair advised he has had another email from Cllr Darby which states “I find it disappointing that this information is not available as it relates to very recent agenda items. As you have not provided a time-frame. As one week has already passed, I would think that another week is reasonable time frame, so I would like an answer by the 20 October 2023. I am sure this is within the capabilities of The Clerk”.
The Chair conveyed his disappointment and anger in Cllr Darby for the harassing comments made regarding the Clerks capabilities. It was made clear that the Clerk does not appreciate this kind of behaviour or bullying and if it continues it will be taken further. The Chair advised Cllr Darby that all his comments have been taken on board and he will get back to him in due course.
189-23/24 To resolve actions regarding the WLDC Large Village Retail Area Fund
The fund is available to eight villages within West Lindsey District and could only be utilised in Bardney village because it was a retail area fund. The fund could provide £6000 of capital projects and £3000 of revenue funding for the area, and the application needed to be completed by the end of October. The Chair had previously circulated the notes and application form to Councillors with a potential proposal for 4 Speed Radars which could be currently obtained at a substantially discounted cost of £8000 and also a cycle rack for the village centre – this fitted within the theme because of road safety and the fact that the village is a hub to the Lincoln to Boston cycleway, and also part of the National Cycle Route No. 1. The Chair had asked all Councillors for any alternate ideas or proposals within the same email. The Chair had also suggested new flags, a gazebo, a portable PA system for outdoor events and a linked hearing aid loop. Cllr Lane also proposed that a level of signage could be incorporated into any proposals.
Cllr Darby suggested that St Oswald’s could offer space for businesses, but the Chair advised that this might come under a different grant, and that this particular grant covered proposals which influence the retail centre. It is believed the Council have 2 floating speed signs, and if the grant was successful the Chair suggested that one to be displayed entrance to Southrey and the other one in Stainfield if LCC permit. Any additional funding shortfall could be available from budget savings from this year, notably the staffing budget because the Chair had spent a lot of time back filling vacant positions at no cost the Parishioners. Planning Permission would not be needed for the radars, but agreement would need to be sought regarding their positioning with the Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership. This was PROPOSED by Cllr Papworth and SECONDED by Cllr Reeves with 8 for and 3 against that this is progressed with the above items and Cllrs Lintin and Lane indicated that they wished to help getting quotes quickly.
190-23/24 To consider future Grass cutting in the Cemetery
The Grass cutting Contract is coming to an end. A new 3-year Contract proposal has been circulated to Councillors. Alternate proposals of a 2-year contract or taking the grass cutting could be taken in house. After a substantial debate it was PROPOSED by Cllr Darby SECONDED by Cllr McIlroy to put a 3-year tender out to start the tender process, seconded 5 for 7 against so was lost.
Cllr Hutchinson PROPOSED the handyman carry out the work SECONDED by Cllr B Newlove 8 for 2 against carried. A meeting will be arranged with the P and R committee and Handyman.
191-23/24 To consider and resolve to adopt the Feasibility Study for the new Office accommodation in the Village Hall
The Feasibility Study had been circulated previously. Thanks were made to the Village Hall ‘Handyman’ who is progressing the creation. The Pavilion arrangement is working well with the Chair providing his own ‘free to the Council’ broadband. Cllr Darby enquired about anticipated on-going costs and if the suggested £300 pcm all-inclusive was still the proposal. The Chair indicated that it is, with longer term the broadband being provided by the West Lindsey District Council link already installed in the Village Hall. The costs incurred by the Parish Council moving from the portacabin to the Pavilion were zero because the Chair did this using his own car and trailer, and also by sourcing some free cabinets. Some Committee meetings have also been held in the Pavilion removing the need for additional room hire costs. Cllr Lane stated that the previous use of the generator was questionable because it should have only been used as a backup and that for longer term use a license is required. Cllr Percival PROPOSED that the report be accepted which was SECONDED by Cllr Reeves which was carried with a clear majority.
192-23/24 To note progress with the Village Hall office arrangement
It was felt that this item had been covered in the previous item under minute 191-23/24.
193-23/24 To receive and resolve any comments from external organisations regarding LALC report
There has been no response from the Internal Auditor. The External Auditors have asked that a notice be displayed in the noticeboards and the website that they were not prepared to sign off last year’s report and the Council are awaiting further comments. West Lindsey District Council do not have a direct input as it is a Council function. The Chair PROPOSED that a Working Group be formed to bring this together with the ability to display the on-going results on noticeboards and the website. If there is more to the findings than meets the eye the evidence will need to be referred to whoever. Cllrs Laughton, Hutchinson, Lane, B Newlove volunteered to join the Chair. Cllr Lane asked that a timescale was put on the Working Group and asked if the Working Group would be able to find the accountability over the last few years. Any outcomes may need to be passed on to LALC or the Police. The Chair said that work would commence next week but we may need to have to provide answers to the External Auditors, or that they carry out work and present the Parish Council with a bill, but it would hopefully be completed quickly. The proposal was SECONDED by Cllr Reeves and voted with a clear majority.
Meeting closed 20.45