May 2023 Minutes Annual Parish Council Meeting

DRAFT Minutes from the Annual Parish Council Meeting of Bardney Group Parish Council
Southrey Village Hall on Thursday 18TH May 2023 at 7pm
Cllr Robin Darby (Outgoing Chair), Cllr Ian Fleetwood (Newly elected Chair) , Cllr John Papworth (Newly elected Vice-Chair), Cllr Mary Corbould, Cllr Lynn Goforth, Cllr Martin Hare, Cllr Kenneth Hutchinson, Cllr Ruth Lane, Cllr Brian Lintin, Cllr Barry Newlove, Cllr Barry Percival, Cllr Lou Reeves, Cllr Samantha Wright, Cllr Michael Mcilroy and Laura Allen (Admin Assistant)
Anna Lawson (Clerk/RFO)
Members of the Public
Approximately 18 members of the public were present.
Meeting commenced at 7.00pm
Cllr Robin Darby welcomed everyone to the meeting and informed that the Clerk was absent for this evenings meeting.
01-2023/24 Election of Chair. To elect the Chair of the Council for the forthcoming year 2023-2024. To receive the Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Papworth nominated Cllr Fleetwood to be elected as Chair of the Council, Seconded by Cllr Lane and it was RESOLVED with a majority of eleven councillors in favour. Cllr Fleetwood signed the Declaration of Acceptance and took his seat as Chair.
02-2023/24 Election of Vice-Chair. To elect the Vice-Chair of the Council for the forthcoming year 2023-2024. To receive the Vice-Chair’s Declaration of Acceptance of Office.
Cllr Fleetwood nominated Cllr Papworth to be elected as Vice-Chair of the Council, Seconded by Cllr Lane and it was RESOLVED with a majority of eleven councillors in favour. Cllr Papworth signed the Declaration of Acceptance and took his seat as Vice-Chair.
03-2023/24 Public forum. To consider any issues raised, session limited to 5 minutes
- A member of the Public made a request for the costs and details of the Solicitor’s letter paid for in the previous term of office to be re-examined. A response was provided by the Vice-Chair that details could be provided at the next meeting.
- Questions were raised regarding the electoral voting system that does not allow Southrey residents to vote on Councillors from the other grouped Parishes, such as Bardney.
The Chair explained that the Group Parish Council consists of four Parishes, Bardney, Southrey, Apley and Stainfield. Bardney has twelve seats on the Council, Southrey and Stainfield has one seat each which were uncontested and there is one seat for Apley which is currently vacant. An election is still to be held for that seat. It was clarified that candidates living within 3 miles of another Parish could apply to have a seat in a different Parish to where they live.
- A request was made for the breakdown of the expenditure of the Parish Council Office. The Chair requested that a written request under the Freedom of Information Act should first be submitted to the Council.
- A request was made for the Council to consider investing in a sound system for future meetings. The Chair responded that the Council could look into this request.
04-2023/24 Apologies for Absence. To receive and accept apologies where valid reasons for absence have been given to the Clerk prior to the meeting.
No apologies for absence, all Councillors were present.
05-2023/24 To receive declarations of interest under the Localism Act 2011 – being any pecuniary interest in agenda items not previously recorded on Member’s Register of Interests.
Cllr Fleetwood provided an update that his register of interests will be completed shortly.
Cllr Hutchinson declared an interest in Agenda Item 13, having been elected to the Village Hall Committee only last night.
06-2023/24 To receive and consider any dispensation requests on agenda items and decide whether they are to be granted.
None received.
07-2023/24 To approve as a correct record the notes of the meeting held on 20th April 2023 and to authorise the Chair to sign the official minutes.
Due to only three Councillors remaining from the previous term of office who were present at the April meeting, it was AGREED for the Chair to sign the minutes, with a reference made to a possible inaccuracy in the Clerk’s Report.
08-2023/24 To receive a report from the Chairman.
Cllr Fleetwood thanked the Councillors for electing him to position of Chair of the Council and provided the following report:
First of all, I would like to thank Councillors for electing me to be the Chairman of Bardney Group Parish Council for the ensuing year. When I am in the formal meetings of Bardney Group Parish Council I must point out that I wear that ‘hat’ only and not those of any other organisation I might be involved with. I will do my upmost to promote the Parish Council in a positive style to the local communities and external organisations but I plan to build bridges and forge strong healthy partnerships in the future – I will try to work with everybody.
Covid has created many issues in the last few years and I would like to thank the Clerk for undertaking many tasks utilising delegated responsibility from the Council. However, the world has now moved on and it needs to be recognised that the control and decision-making process of the Parish Council are roles which the Councillors are responsible for, and that the Clerk (and associated staff) will carry out the administrative capacity and support delivery of decisions taken by Councillors.
Many Councillors here tonight are new to local Government and it would be a positive approach for the new Parish Council to afford training to them, and also give the opportunity to existing Councillors to re-fresh their skills. With this in mind, I believe that the Parish Council should re-join the Lincolnshire Association of Local Councils who afford a whole wealth of training opportunities to Councillors on many varied topics, and this training is available locally alongside other delegates from neighbouring Councils. In addition, LALC also offer many other services to Parish Councils which would be beneficial to our Parish Council. Therefore I ask the Clerk to re-join the membership of LALC as a matter of urgency (within 48 hours) so that we are not left behind.
I believe that the new Parish Council should review all aspects and policies of the current Council. With this in mind, Councillors Hutchinson and Percival have volunteered to form a working party to look at policies and also to undertake a line-by-line review of the Parish Council’s finances.
Community Speed Watch will re-commence in the Parishes. The Clerk will provide a list of those people already trained by the Police/Road Safety Partnership so that any existing enthusiasm can help start roadside sessions again in the very near future. A campaign to expand this group will be undertaken with new volunteers who will be afforded training, and this will be co-ordinated by a sub-group lead by myself and using whatsapp as a communication tool. In the last few weeks many local people have expressed concerns about speed and this will hopefully help to make the area safer.
Community concern has also been made regarding litter picking. The last Council held an annual litter pick and were assisted on an ad hoc basis by volunteers. This needs to be expanded with a proper register of all litter pickers in the area being signed up to the new Parish Council scheme which will provide them with corporate protection and insurance if there was ever an incident. Again, this will be co-ordinated via a whatsapp group so that individuals are aware of who might have been where and done what.
A Village Survey will be undertaken with Councillors directly involved in carrying out the duties. It is essential that the Parish Council are carrying out the wishes of the people they are elected to represent.
Similarly, Councillors will also have the opportunity to join in with ‘Meet Your Councillor’. This will be sessions held in the afternoon where local people can meet those elected to represent them within this Parish Council. Local organisations will also have the opportunity to come to separate sessions where common views can be found to make this area become a much more vibrant area to live, work and play.
The Agenda for each Full monthly meeting will be changed. The public have expressed concern over being limited to having the current reduced format of addressing the meeting for 5 minutes. This will be taken back to the previous scenario of 15 minutes to allow better inclusion. Correspondence will appear with a formal register of what communications have been received.
Another register that will be created will be a ‘Diary of Public Requests’ which will allow all requests made by Councillors or the public to be recorded with a reference number so that all work can be followed using an ‘Action Log’.
I am aware that St. Oswald’s Feast will be here vey soon, and that this year it is proposed to be a two-day event. This will hopefully run smoothly, but again concern has been registered by the public that all policies and procedures are in place to accommodate this. Councillor Mrs. Lane has identified that many things just need to be verified as in place so I believe the Parish Council should hold an extra-ordinary meeting within the next two weeks to ratify all decisions are in place.
Finally, having checked with other organisation I propose to amend the meeting dates to be commonly the third Tuesday of each month and not the third Thursday. Criticism has been made of external organisations not attending when requested, and having done a little research, I believe that it may allow people such as Lincolnshire Police and others to be available.
The above are proposals which I would like to take forward immediately and I know that some of them will need to become agenda items and voted upon. I will invite the Clerk to comment which items may be taken forward this evening after which I will make a formal proposal, and then ask for a seconder prior to any vote.
09-2023/24 To receive and consider a report from the Clerk to the Council on any outstanding matters and correspondence received since the last meeting.
Due to the absence of the Clerk, the Clerk’s Report was circulated to Councillors in written format at the start of the meeting. Cllr Fleetwood informed that he would personally contact WLDC regarding the request for polling cards to be distributed for an election for Apley.
Clerk’s Report:
Would like to welcome all councillors new and old.
West Lindsey District Council have been in touch and have asked whether BGPC would like Apley residents to receive a voting card for the upcoming election. The cost to us will be £380 and the total cost of the election at Apley will be £2500.
Unfortunately we have still not received insurance quotes from the various companies and the renewal date is 01.06.23, therefore this will be renewed before the next meeting. The principal has always to select the cheapest one year policy which covers all the Parish Council assets, equipment and events as well as the statutory Public and Employers liability.
Witham 3rd Drainage have been in touch in relation to the problems with people camping overnight in the car park. One solution would be to reduce the size of the car park, however this would lead to parking on the highway, which would then create problems for residents. There is also the issue of Sustrans actively promoting the cyclepath and as such parking is a requirement. Please could council advise of their thoughts on this matter to allow the office to update Witham 3rd Drainage.
10-2023/24 Financial matters:
- To approve the bank reconciliation statement for April 2023. See attached
It was proposed by Cllr Corbould, Seconded by Cllr Darby and RESOLVED to approve the bank reconciliation statement.
- To ratify payments of accounts, salaries, BACS payments & payments already made. See attached
Questions were raised regarding salaries and expenses of the handyman.
The Chair stated that an answer could potentially be looked at for the next meeting.
It was proposed by Cllr Corbould, Seconded by Cllr Darby and RESOLVED to ratify the payments.
- To approve signatories for bank accounts.
It was RESOLVED to add Cllr Hare and Cllr Percival as additional signatories alongside Cllr Darby and Cllr Papworth, and to remove any former Councillors from the bank accounts.
11-2023/24 To agree:
- Council committee’s and membership.
Cemetery: It was AGREED to add Councillors Hutchinson, Lintin, Papworth, Hare and Fleetwood to the Cemetery Committee.
Allotments: It was AGREED for Cllr Wright to be assigned as Portfolio Holder for the Allotments.
- Membership of standing committee’s
Personnel: It was AGREED to add Cllr Hare, Cllr Hutchinson, Cllr Lane, Cllr Darby and Cllr Wright to the Personnel Committee.
- Chair of standing committee’s
It was AGREED for the Chair to be decided at the first meeting of each Committee.
- Date of meetings of standing committee’s
To be agreed as and when required.
12-2023/24 To agree the dates of Parish Council & Council Committee meetings for 2023-2024.
Dates proposed are the third Tuesday of every month with the exception of August and December; 13 th June, 18 th July, 19 st September, 17 th October, 16 th January 2024; 13th February; 19th March, 16 th April and 14th May 2024.
It was proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, Seconded by Cllr Papworth and RESOLVED with twelve in favour to agree new meeting dates to take place on the 3rd Tuesday of the month. Committee Meetings to be agreed as and when required.
13-2023/24 To consider representatives on the following committees;
- Peter Hancock Trust
It was AGREED for Cllr Ruth Lane to become the Parish Council’s Representative for the Peter Hancock Trust, which is the organisation that looks after Bardney’s Alms Houses and land on Common Lane.
- Bardney Village Hall
It was AGREED for Cllr John Papworth to remain as the Parish Council’s Representative for Bardney Village Hall.
14-2023/24 Planning matters. To consider the following planning applications received and decide any comments that the Council wishes to make:
146583 - Emmerdale, Lowthorpe, Southrey, Lincoln, Lincolnshire, LN3 5TD
No comments to make.
15-2023/24 Confirm date of next parish council meeting as Tuesday 13th June 2023.
16-2023/24 Establishment – to resolve to go into closed session in accordance with Public Bodies (Admissions to Meetings) Act 1960 to discuss the following matters;
It was proposed by Cllr Fleetwood, Seconded by Cllr Reeves and unanimously RESOLVED to go into closed session.
17-2023/24 To receiving a staffing update
A staffing update was provided by Cllr Darby and the Chair concluded that advice would be sought on how the Council will move forwards.
Meeting Closed at 7.58pm