LALC Committee - TERMS OF REFERENCE 15th November 2023

LALC Report Committee - Terms of Reference
Purpose and Scope
To review the LALC Independent Report on Bardney Group Parish Council dated 7th August 2023
To consider all recommendations contained within the Report.
To consider all appropriate and relevant actions required.
Create an Action Plan to show a clear audit trail relating to actions required and actions to be taken to ensure all recommendations are complied with.
Report back to the Council on a monthly basis regarding what progress has been made and what actions are still outstanding until the action plan is complete, ensuring the full council agree and these are recorded in Council minutes.
Committee - Five members of the Council including the Chair of the LALC Committee. The quorum will be a mimimum of three members.
Meetings may be called from 2pm onwards.
Minutes will be taken by the Clerk if present. If the Clerk is not available a committee member present will be elected to take the minutes of the meeting.
All matters dealt with by LALC committee will be held in the strictest confidence and members will also consider the provisions of Data Protection, GDPR and Freedom of Information Act when dealing with such matters. All members (whether Committee or not) must always preserve this condition.
The Councils Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and Code of Conduct will apply to all meetings and activities of the LALC Committee.
The LALC Committee will be appointed on an annual basis. The Chair will be elected annually at full council following the election of the LALC Committee.
Unless the Council directs otherwise, the LALC Committee may arrange to devolve any of its functions to Officers of the Council.
LALC Committee will meet as required.
Meetings will be held in open session and if appropriate closed session will meet after.
LALC members will receive an agenda and supporting documents. Notice of meetings will be posted in accordance with all meetings of the Council.
The LALC Chair if present shall preside at meetings. If the Chair is absent from a meeting a committee member chosen by those present at the meeting shall preside.
Only members of the LALC Committee may vote on Agenda items.
Non committee members (in their capacity as Councillor) and invited representatives may be allowed to attend and speak on Agenda items only if prior agreement by the LALC Committee has been given.
Non members of the LALC Committee are subject to the same rules as the LALC Committee members regarding confidentiality and the requirements of the Code of Conduct.
Powers Reserved for Full Council
All matters for which the approval of the Council itself is required by statute.
Delegated Powers
To keep up to date records of actions and report these to the Full Council.
To obtain advice and guidance on matters as and when required.
To establish the LALC Terms of Reference and review and approve annually thereafter.
Any other actions as directed by the Council.
Urgent Matters
Matters of an urgent nature that require settlement before the next meeting of the LALC Committee may be dealt with by the LALC Chair in conjunction with the Clerk and / or Vice Chair.
Adopted 15th November 2023